Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm torned between this life I lead & where I stand

- 3 doors down

I knocked off work on time today.
With my tummy just filled with loads and loads of coffee & 1 curry puff I had in the morning, I went to meet the women in my life in town for dinner.

Mom & lil' sis

I blasted the iPod in my ears, appreciating the lyrics to every song I was listening to.

I wasn't about to let my day to go to waste.
Though at the brink of exhaustion, I strolled from the office to the train station observing people rushing home.

I was pushed several times, past the escalators, into and out of the trains. But I wasn't going to get irritated. I'm going to take life slow.

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Let them be.

I was going to lead at my own pace.

Upon arriving town, I took my leisure time walking down the busy sidewalks and stopping at crowded traffic junctures, looking at the clothes, shoes, ice cream displayed at showcases.

With a straight face, I took notice of colours, textures and presentations.

I took notice of the dressing of the passer-bys, ladies cat-walking down Orchard Road and even manage to catch a glipse of women flaunting their admiringly long slender legs. Irregardless of age.

It's far from feeling pathetic.
I felt at ease - a feeling I longed to have.


For those who believe they succeeded achieving what they had wanted to achieve, my sincere applause to you.

Need to be with myself & center,
Clarity, peace, serenity

- Fergie

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