Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts

Shoot & Snap

Monday, June 2, 2014

I have been a very good girl. I have kept my hands together when it comes to gadgets and 'toys'.
The last expensive item I bought for myself was a Surface RT which aided me at work and is very helpful if I need work to be mobile for me.

But recently, I have been getting a little cheeky and stretching a bit of my dollars in view of being 'productive'
Thanks too with the support of Alfi because he knows my passion for photography, blogging, social media and running my baby business.
So while he does not get to fully enjoy gadgets, he just needed to hear from me the return of investment purchasing an item and then he comes onboard the excitement.

Yeah, we are just suckers like that.

Last month I made a purchase for Shttr. It is an inexpensive purchase actually and I think after this, a lot of selfie addicts will get a piece of this.
For USD$40 with a small stand and free shipping, Shttr is a very slim and lightweight camera phone shutter connected via bluetooth.

Its awesome to be able to take photos more comfortably. I need not tell my sister to hold the phone while I press the shutter.
Yeah! Now you know!

Having a group photo is also easier!
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To really know what a Shuttr can do for you, here is the youtube video you can watch but be careful NOT to fall in love with it.

My Shuttr is in white. What will yours be?

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Alfi was off to Hawaii for a week and of course there were a lot of stories to share when he came back.
I suspect he is not done with his stories just yet but one of the things he shared was that he saw someone using the Sony QX-10.
He was just explaining to me verbally how it looks like and what it can do and I was like,"You serioussssssss?!?!?"

Within 2 days (at least I let him recover from his jetlag) we were at the Sony store and in under an hour I came out smiling!!
I was initially so keen on the Canon Powershot S120. It was a no brainer since I am a Canon fan and my previous point-and-shoot was a Powershot S95 before it was caught drowning in my handbag filled with 1.5L of water.

Sony QX-10 was more affordable and when I bought it last night (yes, just last night) I managed to get the casing (so happy that it's blue!), 2 micro SD cards and 1 mini tripod (which I surely will convert it into a mini monopod!). The whole package was just $349.
Can you see all the heart shapes on my eyes?

The flexibility of taking the picture with the camera, or the camera attached to the phone or doing selfies and videos. These data files goes straight into your phone and to your social media in a flash!!!

This was the picture taken with studio lighting. The picture definitely looks wonderful.
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Here are those taken under normal light.

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Available in 2 colours, I was so undecided which one to choose!

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But the salesperson said white was a winner. Lucky I picked that. Look how the colours of my gadget now matches!

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To many more selfies of me and me and me with the kids!

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Go check it out!

Shawls & Such!

Friday, June 28, 2013

I am very relieved that Her Closet is back.
Settling down with the pregnancy finally and Rania being more independent, playing on her own half the time, I started to realise that I went on hiatus a little too long.

So I am back till maybe I head off for maternity in October.

Here is our new arrivals for this week!

I have always loved Burberry prints though buying from their boutique is really exorbitant.
So here are light chiffon shawls for just $12 a piece.

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And here are cotton shawls which you won't get warm in them.
I love wearing these colours because it gives a subtle pop of vibrance to the whole outlook.

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Lastly, this is my favourite piece and it is also a favourite among the ladies yesterday.
We already have a total of 10 orders for this and the numbers are still climbing. So be sure to place your orders with us!

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I actually don it yesterday.

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Love the colours!

Our Facebook is full and I have not migrated my whole contact list to the Fanpage. So if you are keen in any of these pieces, do drop me a sweet note via email ( and I will reply to you soonest!


Tried and tested

Friday, December 21, 2012

The past few days had been interesting and tiring.
Getting my hands on new things and the fact that Rania was sick again got me really tired and exhausted.

I had my laptop upgraded to a Windows 8. The new thing y'all.
That is the advantage being in Microsoft. It is mandatory for us be on the Windows 8 and the New Office. Awesome isn't it?

So I managed to spend a little bit on time understanding the concept of 'all at once' and having no start button.
I also played around with the settings and put in my favourite colour and choosen design on my desktop. While Alfi thought it is a clutter, I love it!
It is so colourful and vibrant!

It makes me to energized everytime I see my desktop now.


Then I got my mom to buy me a Nescafe Dolce Gusto. Yes, I know I already have an existing Krups expresso maker but Alfi and I planned to put that in our Ang Mo Kio home when we move back. But being the coffee drinkers who we already are and the insufficient space in my mom's house, it was nice to get something small and convenient for daily use. Alfi and I love different kinds of coffee and it is perfect because we spend a lot of time in the room, chilling out.

So when I was at Takashimaya, I was just trying my luck to see what was the offer for this Dolce Gusto. Though the price was ok, I could not justify my budget to buy another coffee machine. But mom agreed the very next second and made me a happy girl!

Disclaimer: Since younger days, I do not really ask for things for my parents. It has always been self-earned.

Anyway, this coffee machine was definitely a want not a need. LOL!
Alfi and I got really excited trying out the flavours of the coffee that we are now in search of buying boxes of our favourite flavor.

Right now I am so addicted with the Chococino and Mocha while Alfi loves the Cappucino and Latte. I would love to get my hands on the green tea and finish trying the rest of the flavours.


Seeing the coffee being made was really aphrodisiac!

Since they were having the offer, the best offer you can look out for, there are so many flavours you can try for free!


Except for Expresso, each drink comes with a coffee based capsule and a milk based capsule. So I placed the coffee based at the bottom of the holder and the milk based at the top holder.


Yes, the holder was given to us FOC! awesome isn't it!
I was actually glad that I did not purchase the CBTL coffee machine because the Dolce Gusto can do tea too, though not many choices. But I need not buy a frother to froth the milk.

It is an awesome machine, built with convenience and without eating up a lot of space.


Cleaning is also very easy! Some parts just needed to be wiped with a wet cloth.
Yes, the capsules does not leave behind any residue!

Awesome. awesome. awesome.

This adds to my Krups family now. Thank you Mom! Heeeee....


Now, all my students will have their cuppa of Chococino (for the younger ones) and Latte or Mocha for the older ones. They will find it a joy making their own drink!

Awesome much?

Remember how I lost my external flash. I had a feeling that someone stole the flash when I was photographing an event at Nanyang Poly. I left my bag under the podium and it must be some organiser kids who took it.. $^%&^*&!!! It was my hard-earned money through tuition classes that I bought that 430-EXII (which is no longer available in the market because they are selling either the lower end or higher end)
I swear someday that person who took it will know how it feels like. That's karma.

Ok enough with the anger. Alfi and I felt very handicapped without a flash.
So we resorted to buying one yesterday and while he was trying that out, I got my hands on the EOS M!! OMG!! I have been wanting to get my hands on it!!

So I managed to try out a few pictures was awesome.
Here are the pictures unedited (IN MANUAL!!). I love the clarity of the camera.


Look how good the Nikon looks with a Canon camera. *lol*


But nothing beats the dials on a DSLR! Even my 1000D!
DSLR dials are a lot more and that makes it more user friendly because you can tweak accordingly.

This weekend, I am calling out all IG-ers or an Instagram fanatic like me to tis' the season. I love Christmas season solely because there are always Xmas Specials.
Food, gifts, ornaments. They are all so pretty and nice.

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

So if you have anything about Xmas that you are instagramming, don't forget to tag #velvetchronicles and have it shared with my wonderful readers on Monday.

Till then, happy weekends everyone!
And yes, if you would like to share what you did over the weekends, do write to me at Nuramima[at]Hotmail[dot]com.


I am a hoarder!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I am a hoader.

A lot of things happen to me since I became a mother. The level of kiasu-ism went off the roof!
When I started buying baby's stuff before I gave birth, I bought what I felt was good and I was able to splurge actually on a lot of things.
In fact, I spent a lot in the first few months of Rania's birth. A lot!
But it was manageable because she was the first kid.

Until I sat down one day and calculated our baby expenses.
Already my pregnancy was very costly because I bled throughout my first trimester and the change of 3 gynaes to find the right one and finally the birth itself.

Then I kinda terbegik (choked) and realized that a little savings goes a long way.
A lot of people save money on milk because they buy them from Malaysia or Batam and some from the Chinese Traditional stores (sinseh shops) and I was actually tempted to do that.

So I went around asking if the milk was ok and most mummies said that it was ok and their babies are fine with it and how much money they saved.
It is very tempting you know!!!

Then someone came to me and said, "It just like Milo. Milo Malaysia and Milo Singapore taste different."

So that actually made up my mind that I will only buy Rania's milk at the supermarkets in Singapore. I remember buying Rania's S26 Stage 1 for $42 per tin and eventually Stage 2 was selling at $38 per tin.

I terbegik (choked) again when I saw the prices recently on the shelves.

I was swearing SUBTLY to the manufacturers thinking that they raise the prices because we have a baby boom this year. Everyone wants a dragon baby.
I was glad though that I had a good buy a couple of months before that. 2 big tins of Stage 2 with free small tin for $77.60.

Today even that set is selling for $85.50.

Crazy isn't it?

Like how I would buy Johnson Baby Wipes which was originally $3.20 per pkt and they were on sale for $2 a pc. And I love Johnson baby wipes. The wipes are thick and moist and a swipe cleans a LOT!


If you come by to my room now, you will see that I have 14 diaper bags neatly arranged on my wardrobe. Taka Baby Fair is definitely a must-go where each tape diapers of Huggies Ultra costed me $10.95 instead of the usual $17.55.
Then last week I was at NTUC and I saw Ultra PANTS going at 2 bags for $30.55 instead of $21 per bag. And I love pants especially when we are out. It is so easy!

Of course I grabbed them!


I am a Mummy hoarder. Are you?


Save your pennies, for a steal!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Among the places I love to shop is definitely Daiso.
I can get things for only $2. I actually even shopped there for Rania's Halloween outfit only that she didn't get to wear it since she was down with high fever.

It is amazing what we can find at Daiso.
Usually I will comb through the place, alley by alley and see the things I can buy and do something with it.

So recently (or what seems like all the time), the husband been wanting to re-organize our 4m by 3m home at my mom's. Despite staying in my very own Ang Mo Kio house for 2 months, the change is size was very drastic for us, especially when we came with a baby. From 112sqm to 12sqm is a heck of a downsize.

But we make the best of it and yes we are happy. Bottom line, it doesn't matter where we are as long as we are together.

So anyway, let me show you the good deal we go in Daiso.

Book folders

Book folders for $2 each. Its cheap and what is best is that it matches with our Ikea white book shelf.
Awesome isn't it?

And to top it off, we had a hard time reorganizing because instead on 2 pair of hands, we had only one. Another pair was to take care of this little helper.

little helper

Does anyone need any helper? I have this one to spare.


Work that Shirt

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I have been working for 7 years now and I have always fancied shirts.
I love the clean look and I love how it complimented my torso (back then)

I worked my diet that I could tuck in my shirts into my pants.
Please be reminded that this was way before pregnancy. I was not skinny. I have always been meaty but I have always managed.

In the organization where I work in now, unless I meet high profile customers, I will be in my jeans all the time.
Even shirt and jeans and I love that semi casual look because you will look great either in jeans or flats.

Previously, my choice of shirts will be from G2000 because they are very affordable and have many colours. But I didn't like the fact that the shirt is short and I had to be conscious whenever I sit.

When my career got a bit better, I decided to buy shirts from Zara. Better cotton and better cut. Again, I could tuck in that look. Plus I love the fact that if I take a bigger size, the sleeves still did justice. It was not too long.

During all these time, I quietly wished I had a tailored shirt. My weakness is always my stomach. Even when I was pregnant, my arms were not exactly huge. It was just the stomach which was getting in the way of everything.

But I thought it was far fetched. Tailored shirts are way too expensive.
Really. So when I got myself personalized shirts, I fell in love it them immediately.
I will share them with you in time. In fact, I ended up designing my own shirts with cuff links and made it pregnant friendly!

Ok pregnancy came along when I had to say good bye to all the shirts and wore cotton tees for comfort. It was bye bye to heels as well.

Truth is, I am a fashion disaster. Ever since my pregnancy, I hated going back to normal pants. Oh yes, it was my joy to get back into my pre-pregnancy pants because it meant that I have lost the (water) weight. But, I didn't like how it will feel so tight around my waist and create an awful bulge when I sit down.

I seriously recommend pregnancy pants especially for long flight travels. Ok, I guess many just wont get me that I truly enjoy pregnancy pants.
In fact, I still wear them until today.

It didn't help too that I have a whole dormant wardrobe in Ang Mo Kio and my pregnancy clothes at my Mom's. I try to make out the best I can to work. I would sneak to my sister's wardrobe and see some of her larger pieces which I can fit.

So during a meeting yesterday when my colleague mentioned that Raoul was having sale of shirts, it didn't take me long to decide that I needed to get there.
Because I still consider myself a plus size, bigger size shirts will mean longer sleeves.

So I was really thrilled to see cuffed half length sleeves. It helps with my figure because I have a smaller arms so I am taking people's eyes away from my middle part of my body to my shoulder and my arms.

Ok fine, I can't fit into the slim fit yet. Semi slim fit is good enough.

navy Raoul shirt

And for more comfortable wear for the office throughout the whole day, I choose the straight fit.

white Raoul shirt

Their straight fits have darts in front and at the back so it is very flattering.
Guess how much were they?
I bought 3 of such shirts for $150!

Another steal isn't it? Now I am more geared up for office.
They do have jackets and dresses and skirts so head down to Raffles City for your picks!


Well sweetie, in time, Mummy would like to share about my tailored shirts.
Are you a fan of shirts to work?



Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Being so alike between me and Alfi, there is always one thing we really enjoy doing together and I have to admit, sometimes a little overspending.

We love supermarkets!

For me, it is very therapeutic. I will go into a supermarket, especially those bright clean ones and take a trolley and go down the aisle one by one.
Not missing an aisle!

If Alfi happens to be with me, we will push a trolley and a pram. Without him, Rania is in the pram or strapped into the carrier while I make my choices.
Everytime I am out, it is always a MUST to go to the supermarket, even if it means buying 2 apples for Rania.

She eats half an apple a day so I need to make sure that she has her apples!!

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

I have always enjoyed seeing Rania and Alfi having wonderful father and daughter bonding. Something that she does not really get much with me because to be honest, I am quite uptight.
I make sure she eats well, sleeps well, her hands and mouth are clean, her diapers are dry or if she needs a change. I also make sure that I know every inch of her development. I will be the first to notice if she catches a cold or a cough. I will take notice of her poo and her pee.

That's me.

With Alfi, Rania really gets to play around very much with him. I, for sure am lacking the interaction portion with kids. In fact, I never played much with children before I had my own so maybe I am not so warmed up yet.
Alfi is a charmer and Rania interacts very well. It always warmed up my heart especially when I love both of them to bits.

Today, Rania is equally pampered with both of us. She likes to put her head on our shoulders willingly. Apparently, the maid says that she does not wail when we are out at work. It is easy to put on her diapers and feed her.
With us around, it is entirely a differently ball game.

Even with us around, she refuses the maid and sometimes now refuses my mom and sis.
As much as I would love her to mingle around and really give me a bit of space, truth is, my heart is booming with love whenever she does that.


Kaftan Dresses

Saturday, August 4, 2012

With Hari Raya about exactly two weeks away, I am very excited with this launch.
These outfits are also suitable when we ladies need to attend a function.
Plus size friendly, it does not hinder looking good in smaller sized ladies.


Available in 9 colours for $90 a set, you can be sure that Her Closet priced them nicely for you.
Affordable styles, anytime.

Picked out your Raya outfit already?


Her Closet Hari Raya Collection

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Being in business for a little more than 4 years, this is the first that Her Closet launches their Hari Raya Collection.
Usually, I will let Ramadhan pass with little casual launches but like what I have mentioned on Her Closet's Facebook account, we are transitioning and cooking up something new and fresh.

Well firstly, I have officially brought a partner onboard.
Someone who is family. People always said, "Never do business with family."
But to me, if we have the same vision and ethics, the rest is compromise.

There was a very successful businessman I know who gave me, my siblings, my husband and even my partner a very good advise.
He said, "Whatever you do, DUIT is very important."

Me, being me the money-faced and something which I am not shy to admit (oh well, aren't we all?), I nodded my head.
He continued, "D is for Doa. Everything you do always begin with a doa. U is for ikhtiar. Always find ways to make it work. U is for usaha. You will never be successful without usaha, and finally, T is for tawakal. Once you have done all three, leave it to Him. If the rezeki is yours, it will be."

I sat there stunned and awed by his philosophy.
So that was when I realized I wanted to synergise, share the pie and try to multifold.
Of course there are sentiments that Her Closet is my baby.
Something which I scrimp and save to start up. The energy I put in to see where it is today. There are a lot of emotional factors to it.

But there was just one thing I needed to do.

I thought it was hard. But it was easier than I thought because I eliminated micro-managing (oh how I hate anyone doing that to me too) and just made sure that all is as smooth flowing as possible.

Transitioning was not easy because there was a change of hands in operations.
So for those who have their responses a little late, do bear with us.
Plus my partner is very new to online business. So do give her a little bit of slack ya.

After 4 years in business, Her Closet is now a registered business.
Our objective is really to give you the best virtual shopping experience that we can and to delivery great quality products and definitely beating prices everywhere.

So here is to our inaugural launch of Hari Raya Collection.
Last week we launched our kaftan dresses. These are really good quality kaftans where the beads are sewn on and not ironed on laces.

$89 for short sleeve kaftans with sleeveless inner.
This is really fuss-free for non-hijab ladies. For hijab ladies, you can just get a long sleeve inner at the Geylang Bazaar and match it!


My favourite will be the short kaftans with sewn on sequins (NOT BEADS) around the neckline (front and back) and the sleeves!
The flow is great because the outfit has weight. Her Closet matches this for you with long sleeve inner and same great price of $89.

And I love it because it is even suitable for wedding events when you don't feel like wearing the baju kurung because there is somewhere else you would like to head after that.

Available in 5 colours!


All is really while stocks last!
So don't miss it.

And if I hadn't wish you a blessed Ramadhan, my apologies for the late entry.
Thank you for the support you have given Her Closet and I will never forget it.

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