Showing posts with label Bake bake bake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bake bake bake. Show all posts

Hari Satu di Hari Raya

Friday, September 2, 2011

Do you know one thing about baking goodies for Hari Raya?
You know your family members will never be left out. There will always be some for them.


The burnt ones! *lol*

OK OK, so this is what basically sums up my first day of Eid. It was very exhausting to run from one house to another, alternating my family with his.
Here at his side of the visiting.


That is his grandfather, still standing strong at 84!

And here at mine.
This year was the first time daddy wore baju kurung and that the family went out in matching colours.
What did my dad previously wore for decades?
Pants and shirt!

After 29 years, I was so estatic to see my dad in baju kurung


Did you really know how naughty my husband can be?


I was laughing my arse off when I saw how he signed off! Tu lah namanya buah hati kan.. Everything he does is cute to my eyes :)
Tomorrow will be another session of jalan raya. I am pretty excited. I would love to make the husband wear a matching baby pink baju kurung with me but there is a pink shirt which is now his favourite.

With his boyish face, how can I not give in?

p.s: All our free photography slots are fully booked. If you are still keen, please drop us an email to be in the KIV list. A huge thank you for the response and thank you for the well wishes!
Hope to see you soon!


The Witching Night

Saturday, October 9, 2010

It was a very impromptu decision to have a baking night last weekend.
And it was all because I bought these 3 books from Borders and thanks to mommy who suggested it.

Within a phone call and one sms, the usual witching O.W.L. clan agreed to meet up for baking. 
We were there will 6am on that day!!

I have been buying recipe books, really baggy clothes, all in the midst of preparing myself to be a wife (and mother? *lol*)!
Yes, sometimes I think long term too far. 
But what matters most is that I am so excited about it.

So anyway, here are some of the snippets of the night.

Shikin's husband who slept while waiting for the baking to be done.
Bik Yati husband gave up waiting at 2am. 

Apart from baking, I had half of caviar and cream crackers to myself!

This caviar is so nice (salty and fishy) and you can easily find it in NTUC for under $9 I think.

My darlings who have always been the fun part of my life.
They are a major part of my life.
Be it baking, twitter, ranting frustrations, to competing who is the first one to wish TGIFF.
We are a crazy bunch, the three of us.. and  I am so happy to have them in my life.

The girls who never fail to make me crack a smile.

The outcome?
Here you go, my first attempt baking brownies!!
Brownie cupcakes!!!

To be honest, I have been craving for it for the past few days and hope there will be enough time to bake some tonight or tomorrow morning. 

p/s: the recipe from the book works. Don't amend anything. :)

A cutie tip!
If you are planning to bake anything, always add a pinch of salt!


Blueberry Muffins!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mom was craving for blueberry muffins after seeing my aunty in Spain baked and put it up on Facebook.
After so long that I have not been baking, I am glad I did not lose my touch.

The most satisfying thing is that the people you love enjoy the output you give them.
Despite being so tired and chasing for time, it was all worth it.

There you go, my first showcase of Blueberry Muffins

p/s: I kept typing Burberry or Blackberry

I'm going bananas!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The weekend bake.
1 dough, 3 loves to share.
Banana muffin, banana choc chip muffin and banana macadamia nut muffin.

I perfected my baking over the months.
You will only see me eat bagels now at Starbucks.

Yes, my bakings are that very sedap.



Thursday, February 25, 2010

So here was one of the events that happen.

Turns out that our baking party is almost a fornightly event or at least we have been trying to make it once a month.

It has been almost very religious that we (the aunties) even came up with a name for the group.
Consisting of my mom's cousins and us young adults, it is usually held on a Friday or Saturday night usually till 5am till the next morning.

On better nights, we will manage to head home at 3am.

The young adults, who are either single, engaged and married will the infamous trio.
Even at the age of mid-20s to almost 30, we will still end up terbongkang on the carpeted floors because the mothers are still ngobrol-ling .

I am not kidding.

Nevertheless, every session had always been fun.
Lots of laughter and screaming and gossiping and complaining.
From stories about maids to ex-boyfriends to husbands to partners to weddings.
Anything under the sun.

Putri Anderson had so much of our attention that day.
She is growing up so fast!
2 months old now.

The baking begins...

I believe there is another one coming up this weekend.
They are requesting for my cheese and chive scones.

In fact, I am getting orders for this one for a friend's sister's wedding.
So exciting!!!!

On a side note, I have 3 SD cards.
I misplaced one of them which had my Kelantan & KL pics inside.

I am going to keep searching.
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