Friday, October 26, 2007

I found out yesterday from my own relative's mouth that stories went around within the family circle that I was going to marry some anak datuk

Haiyoh.... mintak mahap la datuk nenek, datuk datin..

Lovie bukan anak datuk. Alahai...
Mintak lah ampun banyak banyak...

The first thing that came to my mind was that, was that the reason why you were so nice to me during the trip to my house? That aku ni konon nya nak kahwin anak datuk?


For all I did was to rekindle the siratulrahim

Niat dalam seseorang tu takkan kita dapat tahu kan...

Since the news travelled so fast, like what my family member said, I pray I can cushion their questions, which I was never looking forward to answer.

At this point of time, I really appreciate if everyone stops speculating. Stop guessing.
Wait and watch.

Jodoh pertemuan di tangan Tuhan

Now the other readers will understand why I pull down the archives and keep 1 entry per page load.

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