Midweek Food for thought: Marriage to us

Thursday, June 13, 2013

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It is always during pregnancy that I will cry in my sleep.
I cry in my sleep because I always end up dreaming that he is cheating on me with another woman and out of frustration, I will cry.
During my first pregnancy, I went through the same phase - many times.

So during this pregnancy, Alfi was caught off-guard with my cries once.
Then after he was reminded of his experience, he will quickly wake me up when I end up crying in my sleep and said,"No, I am not cheating on you."

I am always very appreciative when he understood my struggles and leftover struggles of losing my dad, when he understood my hormones during pregnancy and of course my fickleness in planning things out.
Women are one of the worst in planning. While I am open to be more impromptu, an engineer brain like him prefers schedules to be more structured.

Last night when Alfi was sleeping and Rania cuddling up to him, I had my own me-time (at 2am in the morning after preparing my presentation slides for today). I was considering whether to play Candy Crush or watch E!News. So I was checking my social media and saw Mufti Menk was on Twitter. I followed him and click on the link of his website.

I diverted my attention.

I clicked on his audio on the topic he just delivered recently in Singapore. I could not get tickets and I didn't quite mind. I did not follow him. I did not hear him before despite a lot of our brothers and sisters share his quotes and speeches on Facebook.
So actually, I really wanted to know what is so awesome about this guy.

I admit work and having my hands tied took me quite far from the things I still need to focus - knowledge of religion.

He shared something which caught my ears despite my eyes were half closed on the bed. I picked up my phone and texted Alfi (yes, while he was sleeping)

"Five years ago when you met me, I was a flower full of colour and vibrance. You picked me up and married me. Over time, I may wilt and lose my colour but remember the flower you picked up. It was your eyes who determined I was the one and I pray you will keep that in your heart."

10 hours later after we rushed off for work and settled down in the office, he replied.

"You are one flower that will never wilt in my heart for you grow inside me and I will always put nutrition and life in you as long as I live."

I teared.

So I told him I am hormonal. I know I married the perfect man for me.

Go pick up your phone and text something nice and romantic to your spouse. You may just end up hormonal like me!
These are rare moments for me and Alfi because most times, our texts are more naughty.



  1. Don't worry dear. I used to have such dreams do and boy, do I scramble to find out more !

    Dream most often mean something else so we shouldn't really accept it as it is.

    Dreams of infidelity more often than not, reflects our insecurities.
    "…fears concerning abandonment due to a lack of attention or communication…"
    It may also refer to feelings that we keep bottled up.

    Naturally such things happen when we're hormonal cos' that's when we tend to 'over-think' things. It also happens when I'm PMS-ing.

    This is a beautiful read. Glad that you've shifted your attention to something more spiritual to keep you grounded. Pls take care of yourself. Hope to read more good stuff!

    1. Hahahaha! Yes I know that dreams doesn't really mean what it is. But during that few hours that i am sleeping, it is indeed disturbing. hehe!

      Thanks for following my reads. It always means a lot to me and why I should keep writing:)



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