
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I am always worried if my child does not like reading or shun away from books.
I have always been a book lover, till today even though my time is filled up with everything but reading.

Many say that reading books improve the child's language. I disagree.
Despite me being a book lover, renting books every week back then, I still get C's for my english.
Many never believed me.

A lot wonder how can my english be so bad and yet I still blog.
Sure, there are grammatical errors and missing words in my blog but that is because I do not check whatever i have written. I will be mentally exhausted by the time I spend an average of 1hr writing up my post.

To my teachers in school, my creativity is a failure. I never scored high for Composition.
Equally terrible for Malay Composition.
And somehow, that instilled a fear in me till today about my sense of creativity and how I do not want my children to end up like me.

Then it struck me that being creative means using your knowledge and tweaking it to sound fun.
And knowledge comes from reading.

For Rania, I adopted both approaches of reading and watching TV.

I am a working mom and unkike a stay-at-home-mom, my evenings are spent sometimes distracted by my work emails, blog entries, tuition classes.
So I rely on the telly and the iPad. A programs which can make her learn educational songs.

I also inculcated the reading with Rania. Apart from reading books to Rania, I ensure that books are within her reach.

This is her pile of books at my bedside table.
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Today when I came home from work, she pull out a few books and gave to me. It makes communication easier and also I know the times when she is keen to read.

She looks for her books sometimes when she wants to drink her milk.
Apparently, she followed my character when I was at the same age. When my mom said,"Intan.. Tido."
I knew it was my milk time. I will go to my bookshelf and pick out a book and wait for my bottle at the kitchen entrance.

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I am not saying that Rania is a genius but it is always fun to see how the character of each child unfolds as they grow up. I have a steep development curve during my growing up years and then I stagnated.

I just think that putting books where your child can reach is a very good idea. My mom did that for me.
I did that for Rania.

How do you encourage your child to read?
Do share your thoughts and views. I always love to hear.

Maybe it will help me and many more mummies out there!


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