Cetaphil, I stand by you

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Yesterday, I had my detailed scan. Despite being my second pregnancy and gone through the motion before, I was more anxious with this scan compared to the previous pregnancy.
Solely because I did not have the energy and time to take care of my pregnancy.

I took my folic acid only 20% of the time in the first trimester and I was on no multi vitamins.
I took my fish oil probably 40% of the time.
The only thing I did was to eat good food. It was not because I made the effort but more that the craving was fruits and vegetables. (something which many say means that I am conceiving another girl)

During my scan, I was very concerned if my baby has a cleft lip, limbs, 4 heart valves, 2 kidneys and that the blood flow from mummy to baby is ok.
Alhamdulillah, my little one is doing fine. It is a huge relief.

The only thing now is that my placenta is low. Looking at the scan, I am suspecting a partial placenta preavia.

While 90% of the ladies who have low placenta will have their placenta move up as the tummy grows, it does not stop from worrying that I may be the 10% who will have to go through caesarian birth.

Not that caesarian or epidural makes a woman less of a mother. But the healing process will be longer and it will not be easy with Rania. Plus I have never experienced a C-Sect that I don't know what to expect if I go through it.

So my appointments for the next 3 months are set. I am due in October so Sept will be the deciding factor to see if the placenta is up for normal birth.
Also having low placenta would risk nutrition not reaching to the baby and I must eat a lot of rich iron food. (no wonder I kept craving for spinach!!)
Plus my baby is lying across me most times and don't fancy turning.

Maybe it is time to talk to the little one to turn and push the placenta up.

Time, which is a waiting game, always makes me anxious.

During my pregnancy with Rania, I see myself growing stretch marks because I refuse to put on moisturizer. So this time around, I thought it would be the same deal. But the tummy is growing differently. While I don't have new stretch marks, my skin is very dry and scratchy.

I will scratch like crazy till my skin bleeds. Lotions will not work because most of them are very light.
So after my scan the other day, I headed down to the pharmacy to find something which may work.

And I did!

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Finally I had a good night sleep and woke up feeling comfortable.

It is awesome for children above 3 months and those will allergy and eczema. I put it recently on Rania since we have been in the air con room for days and her skin is clearly showing that it is drying up.

I have used all sorts of cream and though Clarins is great, it only targeted those stretch marks prone areas. This one is an all rounder and definitely a winner.
For someone who hates using moisturizer, trust me when I say it is awesome.

This range can only be found at hospital pharmacies for almost $45 if you want to give it a shot!


1 comment:

  1. Salam Mima, congrats on your pregnancy. May I ask if you are expecting a boy or a gal?

    Best regards always,

    Your avid reader


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