Im trying to blog asap so that I wont be uttering nonsense at the end of it.
If I do, excuse me.
I woke up yesterday
Nov 17, 2007
Alas, it wasn't going to happen.
Still, I decided not to sweat on the petty.
I was going to enjoy the little things that came my way.
Alhamdulillah I got through my day and my days before this.
We both are still working on it.
So many halangan to the engagement but we both are still determined to see through the day.
It's all going to be God's willing at the end of the day.
We both suffered a lot TOGETHER but I'm sure God will repay them with happiness
Insya Allah.
Let's track to a few days back. (I've been such a horrible blogger nowadays, blogging so rarely)
I remember the time when I just came onboard IBM and was assigned to a Thinkpad.
I had no mouse.
Then I mentioned in my blog that I would love to have the Microsoft pink mouse, wanting to be so girlish and all.
Freakily, dad suprised me with one knowing that I do not have a mouse.
20 months later, the mouse died on me.
Though it was still in a very good condition, the USB connector failed me over and over again.
Though always frustrated, having to plug in and out hoping to engage a USB connection, I felt very heavy-hearted to change my mouse.
I am a sentimental person
But dad being oh-so-wonderful, he bought me a replacement which I got so excited cos it now matches with my Thinkpad

For two weekday mornings straight, dad woke me up at 8am.
"Aren't you going to work?"
"Yes,"I answered groggily.
"Abis belum bangun lagi?"
The first morning, it was raining like cats and dogs so I didnt plan to be in the office till 9.30am
"You sending me to work?" I asked
That is what an opportunist daughter does.
"Want to go breakfast?" he asked back.
And trust me, it woke me up for 2 mornings in a row.
So for two breakfasts, I sental-ed 2 empty pratas (literal translation) and cup of hot tea.
Again, being the opportunist daughter, I brought lunch to work, at my dad's expense.
Then a day prior to his departure, he brought me to Vivocity!!
Knowing I was craving for donuts!
And I thought Donut Factory was there!
Still, I wasn't going to waste my trip and settled for the alternative
Luckily Dippin' Donut's selection was almost as good
We had dinner at Secret Recipe which was horrendous, horrible and terrible.
Since many were oogling over the dishes served there, I had my first taste of it
Customer service was horrendous.
You can't even ask for extra soup cos they said "it is within the package."
Ok what the hell was that?!?!
I will never step into Secret Recipe again!
But dad made it up with Godiva Ice Cream for us.
Goodness! Godiva!
Yes!Yes!Yes! We were seriously taking advantage of daddy, indulging into more sinful food.
9 bucks for a super small tub.
I've never tasted ice cream so smooth like it but it was too sweet.
It's alright to eat them once a while but I would rather go for Andersen's Ice Cream or even Swensens.
Still dad made us happy daughters
Tee Hee~
Thank you Daddy Dearest for making our day - as always!
Today,I brought my speedy LV which I bought a year back to LV itself

The canvas stained due to the corrosion from the padlock. We were asked to bring it back for them to clean it up.
Fair enough
Thing is we went in to LV today with 2 identical bags.
Yes you read right.
One was mom's, the other was mine.
No one believed their eyes and ears when we said we had 2.
Probably they thought, who the hell would buy 2 of the same bags
There are ok!
They asked for receipts for proof of purchase
Ok who the hell would keep those receipts for a year!
They started talking in Chinese to see if our bags came with padlocks and keys
And they had the production number in there.
We argued for a while. The Customer Service guy said that they were highlighted of the same defects from the first batch.
I swear it got me so pissed!
"Can't you tell which batch this came from from the production serial number. We bought just months after their production."
They did say it was a 2006 production! Duh! Didnt I say I bought it a year back?
They still insisted on the receipt, thinking it was fake!
I swear I wanted to whack their heads split open.
No way were they going to talk me out of it. No way.
But then again being highly reputable fashion establishment, they better be sure that their service was good.
Guess what me and mom got!
I was so estatic!
Since I used the bag pretty often(though never to work) it got sun-ed a little too much
They got everything replaced to brand new!
So guys, LV is really one of the bags you should INVEST in.
Yes, and I repeat INVEST.
I told Lovie that buying LV bags are investments. Cos the prices will yearly increase with the same design and shape.
A bag which my mom bought for $600 years back is close to 1K in the market today.
I, personally, am a Monogram fan.
The design just doesn't die out.
I walked out of LV, hungry to get another bag(I have been hungry for months) but nothing caught my love at first sight.
No Gucci's and Coach for me. Influx & so overpriced!
I headed to Loewe and Celine and Ferragamo.
Then I went to Burberry's and, yes, I did set my eyes on something.
Which I felt was worth it, compared to a $800 Coach, though Coach was bigger in size.
I was telling mom,"I want to buy" (yes, this would be from my own funds)
She said,"Now?"
I nodded.
She said,"Wait la!"
Ok that is the difference between me and my mom.
I'm a impulsive shopper.
Lovie, you reading this?
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