I was happy knowing my tummy will be well-served and I can see the time people walks in the office.
evil kannnnnn...
Had my 2 sets of wholemeal tuna sandwich with me, Vitasoy, yakult, an apple.
I was happy, thinking that with Grandma in the hospital and me having to go back at 6sharp, leaving behind loads of work, I can finally have a head start on a mid week
Read a few emails and sent out a couple & then that was that.
The happy feeling stopped right there!
And it was only 10.15am!!!!
Things thereafter went so haywire!
I keep having anxiety and asthma attacks at the same time. Now THAT is bad.
From wanting to do something, I ended up doing nothing but layankan kerenah orang ajer
Already I had heaps of email to clear
And the system kept prompting me that my email was near the cap size ie 300MB
My Thinkpad was confiscated when I was away from my desk
Reason being, I didn't physically lock it.
Security violation.
And the person who confiscated it, was the person whom I helped a whole lot.
So sakit hati
It turned chaotic.
Lucky Boss was around cos only he could collect my TP on my behalf.
I felt bad making Boss walk over.
Turned out, I would be listed under Security Violation offenders and the incident would be recorded. Issue got escalated all the way up.
Twice more and I can kiss my job goodbye.
Yes, it is that strict and yes that was the reason why I am so pissed.
Trust me,geram aku meluap-luap sampai skarang!
I warned my team to get their TPs locked immediately and started grumbling.
The first time I grumbled out loud and the first time in the history of IBM employment that I snapped at people coming by me.
Plus, I am the one sending out security broadcasts across the account and I got caught - or at least that was the email indicated when TP was confiscated.
Tell me how not want to jitak
Takper... tengah nak cuba sabar ni har...
People trying to get on my back is a norm.
Working world mah...
I got so numb with it already. Too numb most times.
And I hate when people try to get to me through a third party.
Lerr... what is the problem with coming right up to my face?
First it was that way.
Then implementations were made without consulting me.
What's next?
I clear it all up when it gets messed up?
errr... no thank you.
People might seem to wonder why I keep having answers and objections with reasonings to their proposals. I do give in most times and let them have their ways. But other times, when I think it is unnecessary and not feasible, I am not willing to put in the effort.
To me, it is called maximising efficiency.
Trust me, I have been through worse before.
I survived then, I shall survive better now.
At the end of the day, I do have a choice.
Bottom line, I have my tasks to run. Them to theirs.
There are times which I do not give in or teach my staffs not to.
My choice is to set expectations right.
If they think they can work around me through my staffs they might just be wasting their time.
IDMS, tell me:
Are we too cool or simply too hot to handle?
On a separate note, my grandma is recovering well in the hospital.
Syukur Alhamdulillah
The op went better than even the doc expected
She is indeed the Iron Lady. God knows how strong she is despite her dimensia and Alzhimer's disease.
Thank you to all who visited and sent their doa & well wishes.
Thank you dear Nurul for explaining it all to me.
You are god sent. Who thought that you would be specialised in Orthopedics and telling me all sorts of jargon, making me understand the whole procedure.
At least you made me feel much better!
Yes, you have to start helping me list down a whole load of things to do before I get married.
Item #1 - Karaoke session cannnnnn....
Its been a whole long time since I melalak ok!!
You don't know how much you touched me with your phone call.
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