Friday, November 30, 2007

I have been trully exhausted over the last week.
Rushing to places and working as fast as I can to get things done.
Sleeping late at night to complete work, read the papers or a chapter of a book and hopefully try to get an entry of the blog up.

I forgot to breathe.
Whenever I realise that I am, mostly it is because I am short of it.
I start gasping and trying to calm myself down.

But I will never forget to spend at least a minute talking to god and trying to breathe & calm myself down at the same time.
Too many saga going on.
Still it was really great to have the family with me at the end of the day.
You can see how relaxed the family is when the day ends and time for ourselves.

Everyone will have stories.
Especially now.
Best thing is that they are juicier than ever.

Its funny how people say they treasure family when they trully know nuts about it.
I kept telling mom that I am glad to have them as parents and be in the family I am in.
My family's not perfect.
No one is.
But mom brought us being united.
"United we stand. Together we fall"

Which is probably why we are what we are today.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

There were always the 5 of us.
Not 6 or 7 or 8.
Not until all of us are married and will be with kids.
Then we shall have probably 26 of us.
Me & Lovie & 11 kids
Pebbles & xoxo & 3 kids
Bro & xxxx & 4 kids
2 grandparents

And of course, we are still going to be ONE cos we are flesh and blood.

No one else is going to get into the picture of 26 and try destroy the picture.
Let me see...
With 11 kids, I probably should be looking at 3 maids.

No, my maids will not be meddling into my household matters.
They will simply do what a domestic maid should do.


Definitely not.

I have lived my life growing up with a maid for 16 years.
At the age of 20, I gave up on maids.
I told mom that I would take responsibility of the house chores which makes me Intan-rella and my siblings naik so lemak

Still it is more satsfying despite the exhaustion.

Ok here I go...

Maid-maid sekarang bukan main lagi! Nak ada diorang satu macam jaga lagi 2 anak.
Da lah kadang amik tak tau masak, kemas, gosok baju.
Gosok seluar tak pernah betol. Ada pesantrian or agent pun entah buat apa.

Rupanya turn out maid maid ni kadang cakap ajer tak tau buat.
Tak tau masak. Tak tau gosok baju la. Tak tau cuci baju la.
Baju mahal-mahal pun rosak kena decolourisation.

Ada lagik ingat datang untuk holiday.
Beli handphone, pasang line, ader matair.

Dari nak pergi pasar, jumpa matair
Abis kadang calling-calling dulu, jumpa member kat pasar. Ngumpat pasal majikan
Ader ajer majikan dier tak betul.

Ish banyak cerita la dengar pasal diorang.
Terlalu banyak.
Orang-orang dia bukan boleh percaya sangat.
Buat lain, cakap lain.

Macam orang hindustan, banyak drama jugak. Kadang extra.

I lagi dapat maid, macam-macam perangai.
Yang compare body dengan I lain, yang nak tackle lelaki lain, yang step pengsan dalam dapur lain.
Asal kadang kena marah sikit, "sudah tak tahan lagi","tak betah duduk di sini"
Kadang tak marah. Tegur ajer. Dah menangis macam kena pukul bantai setengah mampoi!
Macam mana kadang majikan tak pukul. Memang mintak kan!

Maid ni pun pandai buat mulut. Yang laser. Yang bohong.
Nak ajer cili mulut dia. Tapi Singapore law tak kasi.
Akhirnya maid-maid ni semua makan tuan la!
Dah buat mulut takper. Lepas tu bila soal, PUTAR BELIT!!
Then bila you tangkap dia red-handed, they selalu dapat wriggle their way out

Macam mana?

"Ya terserah..."
"Ya silakan..."
"Suka hati Ibu"
"Ya udah.."

Muka and suara manis selalu.
"Bapakkkkk...." "Ibuuuuuu...."
Depan kita buat lain, belakang buat lain.
Depan kita betul macam angel.. pijak semut tak mati tau!

Kiter ni aderla most times kasi dia benefit of the doubt. We can be so nice to her.
Tapi kadang maid-maid ni bukan tau balas budi.
Kasi muka naik kepala!
Kadang bukan naik kepala lagi. Diinjek-injek lagi ader!

Banyak lagi yang boleh cakap pasal maid-maid ni har.
Kalau duduk satu hari pun criter tak habiak!

With other people's maid, I don't usually talk to them.
Probably one or two.

Anyway, congratulations to my Lovie!!!
I have always been so proud of him and will always be.
One of the youngest General Manager in the public company in Malaysia.
From Head of IT to a GM!

We both did want to keep it under wraps until IDMS blew cover.
Takper la.. At least I can write about it...
Lovie, we didn't disclose the name of the company tau

One of closest aunty asked me,"What makes you attracted to him? Is it the money?"
I laughed. "Money is bonus."
"Honestly the thing that made me fall for him is his brains"
Anyway, all of the money won't be for me. It would all be balanced out.

Me, mom and herself had quite a good talk about my upcoming future.
I told her of my exhausting resources and how tired I can get.
My dearest aunt told me to stay positive. Keep thinking of a happy future and the energy will be drawn to that.
I do understand that concept but it is hard to focus on the positivity when all else seems negative.

In front of my aunt, I turned to my mom and said,
"Mak, redhakan Intan nak settle down. I will always be your little girl no matter how I will move on & I will always love you"
Tears flowed.

I knew then that that was the issue.
My overprotective and lovely parents were probably not ready to trully let the phase come.
Thanks to the syarahan I heard over my iPod.
The pensyarah emphasized the importance of parents to redha in order for things to be smooth flowing.
I brought it up to Lovie cos we have been brainstorming, finding the root cause of the issue.
Why things the way they are today.

Today, Lovie asked his mom the same question.
I think she was shocked.
But alhamdulillah, her answer was positive.

Yes, me & Lovie do have lovely dreams together - all the time.
And we shall not stop pursuing our dreams. Our positive energy shall pursue towards the direction to our dreams.
Remember the older generations always said
"Dream of it hard enough and you will come to have it someday"

People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don't deserve them, or that they'll be unable to achieve them.

- The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

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