Saturday, July 28, 2007

Lovie didn't go to work today.
The flu bug caught him.. Poor Lovie. With high temperature & a bad throat & aching body.

The last time I had flu, I was in bed for 5 whole days.

I wish I could be there with him
I wish I could take care of him
I wish i can show him how dead worried I am

He does feel neglected but I was really trying hard to accomodate to him. Work is really taking up a lot of my time.

Its never that I do not care or I am not very worried.
I am! I really am!

That is why I seriously hate the distance between us.
And nothing will ever do justice until the gaps closes up.
I am eager. Very eager.
I have made up my mind & I am very focus.
I know what I want.

Like what he said, we do have our skeletal plans about our future. And we are definitely trying to expedite as much as we can.

I'm tightening my belt more than ever.
Cos I have decided to take certain costs in my own hands & not with the help of my parents or Lovie.
Then I can be proud of what I have been believing it all this while.

Anyway, this entry is dedicated to Lovie, who I am sooo worried sick about.

Remember you asked me if I wanted to go on a cruise with you someday?

I have never been on a cruise & I dont know what is nice/exciting on a cruise.

But let me help you decide where you would like to go.
I promise, when we are legally wedded, I will follow wherever you go. Hahahaha! You know I would be more than glad to do that. I won't let you out of my sight!

Let people say whatever they want to say.
Little do I ever care. You are a blessing from God.

Ok anyway Lovie,
Take your pick

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I know you have been wanting to give me a surprise for the honeymoon, that is to tell me very very near to the wedding.
(It is just skeletal plans!! I might just ketuk him to let the cat out of the bag cos confirm the suspense will be killing me!)

Let me see Lovie... I am thinking of so many places & I found a GUIDE

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Thing is we should cancel out #1 & #7 cos I have been there twice.
Let's really find some place nice ok Lovie..

Do get well.
Be my good lil' boy and eat your meds.
I pray you get well soon cos I need you to get healthy! - for me at least!

You promise...
You promise not to let me down..
& I am only asking for you

PMS is soooo way over but I swear I dont know what has gotten into me. 5 months and still lovesick. I like!

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