I was typing a blog entry about something else and wanted to compliment it with pictures.
I was looking back again at the old pictures and stumbled a picture of my late dad a year before he passed away. Then I remembered some of the pictures I snapped last night.
Quickly I put them together. Side by side.
Immediately I broke down in the office like a flowing river. There goes my make up but I could not hold it back any longer.
It has been a while since I cried about my late Dad.
The resemblance is so uncanny, Masya Allah. I was just writing about how Riduan was a Mecca baby when I was trying to come to terms with my loss. And I promised myself to let Dad go the moment I completed my Umrah.
I didn't think I would be presented with this gift. I am still ashamed of how I didn't want a baby boy when it is such a precious gift. Another flesh and blood for me to look at each time I miss my Dad.
There is just so much in life to thank for.
Life is just that beautiful.
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