What to expect at 32 weeks

Saturday, September 7, 2013

It is very quick how one week move in to another and another and by the time it comes to realization, I start to panic.
Alhamdulillah I received a lot of hand-me-downs for this baby boy. More than what I used to have for Rania.
I have a carton of shoes just for my little boy and tons of clothes!

Rezeki anak masing

But the Malays believe that as the number of children grows, so will your share and the children's share.
Somehow, we always manage to make ends meet. Feed mouths and have an extra little thing or two.
That is Allah's promise.

And surprisingly, it is the same promise believed by the Christians as well and sometimes I wonder why many of us or them would like to stop at 1 or 2 children, blaming the Singapore living standards.
I may not understand but I planted a little bit of faith and keep going. So when many said I am lucky to have a girl and a boy and that I can "close shop", I really pray that that would not be the case.

I do have to admit though that I do not have as much energy this pregnancy as in the last.
I take comfort for the fact that every pregnancy is different not because I am OLD!!!
Alhamdulillah, my asthma did not flare up as terribly as it did during the first pregnancy. I am very thankful.
Of course my body is increasingly more sensitive with allergens at each pregnancy but being breathless is really no fun.

As any other normal pregnancy moms, I do download those apps to track my little one's development.
When I hit 12 weeks, I was like,"Yeay! Safe zone now. Chances of miscarriage is halved!"
Then when I reach about 17 weeks, I was like,"I am in my second trimester! The best trimester!"
When I was 20-ish, I was like,"Are we halfway?" Because the engine was starting to wear out. The stomach got bigger. Walking was quite a chore. Rania started to be so clingy.

Then I hit the 30-ish week.
I went from,"Wah! We reach the third milestone already!" to "Are we there yet?"

But the time ticks pretty quickly. Just when I read I was in my 31st week and wanted to blog, there was a notification after a few days that I was in my 32nd week!
That fast?
Or have I become a tortoise.

This is me over the past two weeks. There isn't much difference about how big I am.. but I am definitely huge.
Thank goodness, despite my food rampage, I didn't put on as much as I did when I was pregnant with Rania.
Oh well.. let's hope the weight loss will also be easier.

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Over the past few weeks, my little princess has been very clingy with me.
Entering into the house from work, she will squeal and spin and squeal and laugh that it makes me fall in love with her all over again.
Most times, she will refuse to let Alfi carry her and end up strangling my neck when Alfi tried to pull her from me.
A lot of people advise me against carrying Rania and a lot also wondered how I can manage carrying Rania with my tummy so huge.
Sometimes we as mothers do not have a choice. When the child wants you, there is no negotiation to that.

Rania will only sleep when I lay beside her and pat her to bed.
Alfi will always have a hard time putting her to bed while I am in the shower. The minute I come back into the room, she will run across the bed and say" mummy.. mummy.."
Again, how can you refuse that.

She has grown up so much over the past 20 months and Alfi and I still gushed about what a big girl she is now.
She has already called herself Kakak Nia.
I didn't even think about it!

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I am sure I will miss her when her little brother arrives but I pray I will be a better mother being to juggle all my activities, work and then two children.

Now I am just savouring my times with Alfi and our little girl.
I promise Alfi a date which I always end up bringing Rania (not that Alfi minds) so I need to put my mind to it.

The end game is scheduled on 27 Oct which I hope to deliver right after Hari Raya Haji.
Yes, I am ready to receive him from down under.


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