18 out of 40 weeks

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I am disgusted with myself about how much I lack blogging and it is not that I do not want to.
Time just does not seem to permit.
Sometimes (only sometimes!) I let Candy Crush decide the best of me.


But the days are really taking a toll on me. So many things in my head. So many things to execute but I just do not seem to have enough of 24 hours.
Then I question myself, 'Is this what the world is to me now?'

Then I am saddened.
I have long since took a back, enjoy the sights and the scenery or even bend down to smell the roses.
Ok.. all those are metaphors. Sure.

But that is what life seems to me now.

The new role I have despite being very interesting and something I enjoy just sponge up my time very quickly.

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If you think this is my typical work day, let me share with you that it is not.
This is one of the rare days which I get to sit in the office and work my emails on my laptop.

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Otherwise, I am constantly on the move, visiting and hosting customers. This was a picture taken on my birthday with the Japanese delegates. Looks fun but I swear it was exhausting.

I reply a lot of my emails on the move.
Whenever I am from one location and need to head to the other, I will use the time in the taxi to first do my work calls, then I moved on to calling my mom and daughter to see how they are doing at home. Check if she is alright and playing well. Listen to her antics from my mom. Then I will make a final call to my husband. Always a quick one to check on his schedule and tell him that I missed him.

And because of this, I have little or almost no sentiments of my pregnancy times, which is sad.
There was only a handful times where I sat down, rubbed my tummy hoping and trying to feel the connection with me and my little one inside.

Rania sleeps at 11.30pm. She cries for milk (yes, at 17 months) at 3am and 7am.
By 8am, I am up to get ready for work. If Rania is up and I do not have a meeting till the afternoon, I will have her showered and changed then I get ready for work.
I am lucky that work is pretty flexible and mobile in that sense (though there are monsterous days)

I buy or bring lunch before I head to the office so that I have good productive hours.

By 4.30pm I'm off.
Again, if I am in the office. Otherwise, if there are meetings and dinner appointments, it can stretch till late night.

By the time I am home, my home tuition classes start. One after another.
Sometimes if I am lucky, I have 1 class. On normal days, I have two classes.
And on really exhausting days, I have 3 classes back to back and will not get to spend time with Rania will about 10.30pm.

That is when my dinner is, shower, read Rania a book and I may end up dozing before her.
It is the same for the husband too.

Now that June is coming and exams are over, we start to see a slow down rate of classes. Which gives the family a little bit more space to breathe.

For a start, I am already at my 18th week of pregnancy! Yay!
How time flies this pregnancy. In the past, I will do my weekly reading of the baby's development, diligent with my multivitanmins, folic acid and fish oil.
This time around, I am very complacent with my prenatal care which makes me feel like a terrible mother and how I wish I can hold others responsible but then again I let fate take its course.

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So far, I have only put on 5kg and I was overestimating my size terribly.
Partly because I was really huge when I was pregnant with Rania. At the same time, being pregnant with an active 17th month old baby and working round the clock is really hectic.

But to say I am small is such a blatant lie. I was among the flourishing mothers who could not lose the last 5kg from the first pregnancy.
With Rania, I put on a total of 22kg. I WAS A WHALE!!!

But to lose 17kg was quite a good job, don't you think?

Today, I am looking out for a good massage lady for my post natal care. So if you know of any good ones, do share with me. I am looking for those who can wrap me up nice and tight.

There are times when I pity Rania who will have to share my time with her sibling at a tender age of 1 yr 10 mths.

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Rania can already help me with simple things. She understands instructions like 'take', 'give' and when I say 'please' it means I really need her cooperation. In fact, she has been helping out with her pregnant mummy take things in the room because I am too tired to move around.

I am also trying to spend as much time I can with her. It guilts me when she hugs me around my neck out of no reason or when she whines unnecessarily for me to carry her and her father would not allow.

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My advertising for Pampers was great! Not only did we have were on the OMY (a blogging community within Singapore Press Holdings) highlights

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But we also made it on My Paper, a bilingual paper which is given out for free!

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So yes, there has been a lot of things going on.
Work is work and family time is always the best to keep your sanity. So for all that is worth, I am still contented on the small little things He gives me despite I spend less time smelling the roses.

I will be back for more, definitely.
Just to quickly share, we got sponsorship for Canon Pixma and it has been awesome fun!

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June is the time where many spend time with their children over the school holidays and I will share with you fun and exciting things you can do as a family with a Canon Photo Printer.


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