Here is to the second league

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thank you to all my social media sweethearts on Facebook & Twitter (darn that my Instagram can't be installed on a Windows Phone) and my friends and lovelies who sent me personal text messages via SMS and Watsapp.
It means a lot to me because it took some time away from your Candy Crush just to send me some love.

I am sentimental hormonal like that now.

So yeah, my second bun is baking in the oven. I call it incubating.
My little one gets to stay in my womb for the next 5 months and do nothing but to grow and grow and grow.

This pregnancy is very different from my first.
That's what they say. Every pregnancy is different.

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*this picture was taken when I was in my first pregnancy.

I kicked off my pregnancy being sick when I was in Dubai. So I really think my immune system is low now. Took me over 3 weeks to recover and not fully. Not the whole swing came again. Cough and sorethroat and sometimes restricting my breathing. But I try as much as possible not to rely on medication.
Already I am on so much medication for my asthma and allergies and gastric.

Coupled with that, I am one heck of a lazy pig mom.
I will be lying in bed and telling Alfi to help me pass the remote on the TV. Telling him to bring up my food or he will have to head downstairs just because I wanted 'air sedap' ( a good drink) or even my Yakult.

But thank god, I have no cravings for Mac Donald's like how I was when I was pregnant with Rania.
There was no 3am calls to satisfy my hunger. There was no I must eat this and that.
I could control myself pretty well this time around.

But yeah the tummy is still big. Coming 15 weeks and 4kg gained, I blame my relaxed stomach muscle.
I have always thought moms with morning sickness have been lucky. You are a natural bulimic, throwing up whatever you have eaten and not putting on the weight in the first trimester.

I have been trying to hide the tummy even at work and it is getting harder. I think Alfi was exasperated looking at me stare at the wardrobe for hours that he said,"B, you are pregnant."

This pregnancy, I have one great kaki who is my cousin-in-law, sharing cravings and issues we are facing (mostly cravings though). Already before we both we pregnant (4 weeks apart), we have been weekend supper kaki. So being pregnant together was really an icing on the cake.

How we crave for Roti John at Pasar Pandan in Johor and how this weekend we are going go in search of satay.

It is amazing. So whoever else is pregnant with us, please join in the fun, share the love and food cravings.
Both of us are armed with children and husbands so the more the merrier!

Just like my first pregnancy, I never had a connection with the one I am incubating. I find myself like a machine. Just an incubator and waiting for the baby to come out.
Mom said my maternal instincts are not there. But my maternal instincts with Rania is amazing.
I am a protective mother in a sense that I take care of her from falling sick, I let her get bullied just so that she is exposed to mean kids in future but always watchful over it and I know when something is wrong.

I think my next set of maternal instincts will kick in when I give birth.
Of course I am excited to see little one when I head to the gynae. I am just amazed to see how it is growing and what a great machine my body is.

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Being pregnant to a 16th month old active toddler is not easy. Sometimes I ask Alfi if we are planning it too fast.
But he said,"We are not getting any younger."

So here we are. 5 more months to go.
It is amazing how time flies. It just felt like last month that I just came back from Umrah and found out that I was pregnant.

And definitely not being able to share this news with my dad makes a whole lot of difference. I could not see his smile. I could not hear him nag that I should be losing the weight after pregnancy. I could not have him smuggle coffee for me when Alfi is not around.

Told you I was hormonal.

This post is brought to you by Pampers Singapore



  1. Alhamdullilah, congrats! This came a bit late I suppose but I just found out :)
    Hope everything with your pregnancy journey is well & looking forward to another mini version of you, InshaAllah.

    1. Thank you Syara! Always better late than never! *lol* Alhamdulillah so far nothing too terrible. And yes, i am also looking forward to see this mini version. i wonder if he/she will have the same antics as Rania and I would love to see how Rania acts to seeing another baby in the house. <3


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