Here and now

Friday, September 14, 2012

My cousin sent me a long sms this morning.
It was timely.

When your world seems to be crumbling, remember that the Almighty will definitely come to your help.

When your road seems to be closed, remember that the Almighty will open many more new roads.

When you are let down by those closest to you, remember that the Almighty never lets you down so make Him even closer.

When you suffer a loss, remember that the Almighty rewards you upon your patieence and endurance far more than what you have lost.

When you are sad, remember to look for the path of He who created for He Alone can make you truly happy.

Praise Him for indeed All praise is due to the one who loves us so much that He always declares Himself Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.

Seeing two deaths in a month, both suddenly passed away due to heart attack was traumatic. But I wanted to be brave. I visited them and went to their tahlil.
Everytime I am there, I was battling myself every minute.
Every single minute with my chest pains and telling myself that it is all psychological.

It didn't help socially because I was always wanting to go back early.
It suck because these were the same family who were there for me when my dad passed away.

Alfi could not fathom my character. He kept telling me it is psychological.
Yes, I know it is but I am not strong enough to take full control of it.
My mind is not strong.

So yesterday in the car, I broke down really bad while my daughter plays around with the buttons in the car and laughs.
I broke down because I do not know exactly what I am feeling and what is my problem.
I do not know what to address.

I kept fearing I was going to die in a heart attack as well with my chest pains.
And everytime that happens, I will make sure Rania's diaper is changed, she has a fresh set of clothes and milk was ready because if anything happens to me, someone who needs to take care of her have it easy.

I have withdrawal symptoms whenever my husband needs to teach night class.
Pathetic I know.
It is a mental thing but at the same time, it was something I could not help it.

God knows this is not something I want for myself.
The stress is causing me a lot of gastric pain and it gives me light-headedness.
My head was just thinking about death all the time.

I became super claustrophobic. I could not be in tunnels or lifts.
No MRTs especially when the news is not helping.
I could not be in a place where there was a lot of people. I would feel stuffy and suddenly feel that I cannot breathe.

Again, I know it was my mental well-being.

This morning, I made my way to see the man who I always turn to for my last resort.
Having a heart-to-heart talk make me break down because he is where I can make share my private issues without being judged and get valid advises.

He could sense I was very close with my late father. That I could talk to him so many more things, which I did not even share with the husband back then.
My late father was my listening ear and I always get his vote because he knew I was sensible and my decisions were matured. At the same time, he knew my limitations. My father did not only gave me his listening ear. He adopted differences in all his children and in-laws with no complaints.

That was how wonderful a man I had and I lost that pillar.
Lost and aimless was someone I became which made me turn to Alfi as the next best man.
I know it doesn't sound right and I admit it is not.

Anyway, the man just mentioned this word, "badi" and it clicked.
Maybe I am going through just that but I didn't know.
So he advised me to take some multivitamins, eat good food in smaller portions and increased frequency. Plus he said for a normal woman to get over her postnatal would take about 6 months.
I had postnatal and darah nifas which would have made it worse. Plus maybe it didn't help that I had another miscarriage postnatal 2 months later.

He said this is normal and would usually take me a year to recover.
He too advised me to see a psychologist to address my fears, of which my appointment has already been set.

He said I needed to be healthy because my daughter needs a mother to take care of her and he said Alfi loves me very much and will take care of me.
I was very touched and planted the belief in my very own family.
He added that taking care of my daughter well and being a good wife will make my late father happy in his grave. I knew I needed to be on the right path.

I remember a week before dad had his attack he left me with something I never forget.
"Listen to your husband."

And today, I am doing just that.

It doesn't matter anymore how people will judge me.
I have a family.
Each and every one of you reading this blog have or will have one of your own with your own rules and ideals which I am sure you would not want others to put their hands, legs and feet into it.

I respect people and their lifestyle.
This is my lifestyle.
I am grieving and I need space and time to get over this. We were fated to walk through this path and we will.

I thank Allah that I am a muslim.
It is because of Islam that we go back to basics and understand that life is temporal, nothing is forever and we need to leave it in His hands to take care of us.

Before I left his room, he told me not to worry.
"Just sabar and tabah."

I felt reborn.


  1. I also echo every single advice that's dispensed to you by the person whom you turn to as a last resort.

    Keep you feet planted on the ground and pry out every single bit of positivity in your being. And keep the faith. Tight. With faith, comes everything. Self, surroundings, family, friends etc.

    And lastly, pls take care. For you. For your family. And for Rania.

    1. Dear Bayya... his words made me see things in a totally different angle. He opened up my path again to what I thought was a roadblock.
      Insya allah will keep the faith to have a healthy mind for me, my family and definitely for Rania.

      Thank you so much <3

  2. Now, I feel bad cuz I did say that the person whom you turned to is not God. Obviously he is not. But you are more comfortable with him and definitely his wise words. My sincerest apologies. You need space and time. But trust me, distancing yourself from your own people won't help. :D We are all here for you. As promised, you know I'm just a phone call away. Screw work, I'll make time for you.. *supertighthugforaminute* *hearts ya*

    1. You are right babe. He is not. Nonetheless, i turn to him keep me grounded and remind me of the faith. Life hasa better understanding when i am reminded. To me, he makes sense and logical and its just sometimes these are the things we know but forgot. He also mentioned an ayat from surah Al-Insyirah. "inna maal usri usro" for every challenge, there is a good thing and he told me to ponder about the good things i have around me,, i was stunned. But i heart you alright :)

  3. Badi...reminded me of the time when I gave birth to my daughter and two days later my dad inlaw passed away due to heart attack. Wanted to pay my last respect but my dad insisted I didn't go cos baru bersalin, mesti hati hati nanti kena badi. Bila kena susah nak diubati. I listened to him, hubby understand but my mother in law don't. To this day she will ungkit about me not being there

    1. Oh no... That surely doesnt sound very pretty. I didnt know thaf we can face badi with such things. I stayed at the hospital 17 days and tahlil 7 days. I think it may have hit me pretty bad. Looking at my situation, i am so happy that you listened to your dad. Its is definitely not an easy road. Brush off your MIL, you know how nasty they can be.

  4. Maybe you can read "La hawla wala quwwata illa billaah"? this is just a suggestion, in case it's something you have not considered before.

    I was seeing a counsellor about 4 years back, I was going thru a really tough time, and then someone advised me to read "La hawla wala quwwata illa billaah" and I found that it really gave me strength and helped me in ways that my counsellor couldn't even help. Truly the strength was a blessing from Allah swt, and this may be something that can help you.

    Take care :)

    1. Hi Shida, you know what, a lot of ladies actually approach me to say that they have visited a psychiatrist, psychologist or a counsellor. It is amazing how I build back my strength from all of them.

      Yes, I want to go back to my zikir days doing my ratib. How I have abandoned it for a long time and short zikirs like yours is very good because you can do it anytime.

      When I read your comment, I did think back again. "La hawla wala quwwata illa billaah" it is true, we have no daya or upaya and leave it to Him. I realize that there are things I cannot change. Not the people around me, nor those who left me.

      Thank you Shida. Thank you for giving me that minute to ponder.

  5. i meant read it as a zikir, hehe. Sorry, was unclear in my last comment.


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