Last Day of Ramadhan

Thursday, September 9, 2010

30 days of Ramadhan have come and will leave us in a few hours.
Year after year, I never fail to experience the excitement coming from everyone, the first week of Ramadhan which will decrease exponentially and then rise again in the last week.

I am glad that I was able to pace myself nicely this Ramadhan though I wish I had done more ibadah.
I would not change anything because what is done is done.
I had a lot of eye-opener.
A lot of testing-my-patience moments.
I am just happy enough that I almost breezed through it without going crazy.

If everyone listens to the Americans, then you should listen to what Obama has to say.
Now, he as a Christian moved me.
He moved me with his knowledge of Islam.

It disappoints me when people around the world associate terrorism to Muslims.
True believers of Muslims are no terrorists.
So are the true believers of Christians or Jews or whatever sects that branches out from there.

But we do see them too performing acts of terrorist.
In small and large scales.

Religion is a faith.
A faith that binds you in line with your life principals.
Islam is a beautiful religion. So are other religions.
I am just happy and lucky to be born a  Muslim.

As we perform our final break fast today, let us remember those who struggle everyday for food.
Let us rejoice to the challenges we have faced and overcome for the past month.
Let us smile and be happy for this Ramadhan's accomplishment.

As I break fast today, I will remember the sacrifices my mother made to cook for us sahur & buka.
Next year, Ramadhan & Eid will be different for me.
This is my last Ramadhan & Eid as a single woman.

With so much emotions running back and forth during this season, I suddenly miss home.
Even before I am married.
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