Monday, December 22, 2008

Yes! I am back from my 3-day trip to Jakarta.
I was so tired plus having to attend to Nyai in the morning that I was late for work.
Dad drove me into the first tower lobby cos I needed my morning coffee badly despite it was close to 11am.

And there the Boss was, walking past my dad's car.
I wanted to faint!
But couldn't - What a shame.

I did have a lot of things going on before I left.
I am hoping that things will ease a little toward the end of the year so that I can focus on getting my rest.

The Boss just said earlier this morning to me, "Friend, you better go and take leave to rest."
I looked up from my Thinkpad and told him,"Yeah.. in fact, i am trying to find a date. I have 5 days to clear."
He saw the calendar sitting under my elbow and said,"Ya it is hard to find a date."
He laughed and dropped the matter.


No la I am not complaining.
I like to work anyway.

I managed to catch up with Faridah @ Kak Pa during one of the evenings after work, while waiting for Lil' Sis to finish her work.
We sat from sunset to night time, sipping our coffee and tea.

It was Toms & Toms (which Kak Pa spooted bad english) with wonderful scenery by the river at Boat Quay.
Next time darl, we shall head to Timbre okies.

Bad english.
Spot it and shout it out loud on my Tagboard.


Winner gets to scoot off with this:

**Within Singapore only, else postage fee applies**






And we managed to capture each other's random moments.




I owe Kak Pa a birthday gift and gave her that book.
Yes, now we both have the same book.
Superpower Kak Pa?


Like I said, the night was beautiful:




I went 3 days laptop-free during my travel to Jakarta.
It would be better if without a phone to disengaged myself from everything else.
But I am glad I did not.
I only focused on me and being a mommy to Lil' Sis.

There are so many things to catch up on top of work.
Mulitple emails from suppliers and customers to follow up.
Her Closet resumes business today with packages still to be sent out over the next few days.
I have sent out most packages on the day I left for Jakarta but did not expect to run out of envelopes and with another shipment coming in, I just have to work faster.

New designs from Her Closet will be coming up in a couple of days.
Trust me, shopping is one thing no one will ever get enough of.

I never did.

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