Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I have to admit that this month is really a terrible month except the fact that Ramadhan really brings us a lot of blessings.

I remember mentioning that I moved on to a team on my own with Boss doing a new project.
Truth is we split ourselves to the 2 projects.
Everything is pretty much stablised, Alhamdulillah.
What got us rocky again are the service levels and implementation updates that we will need to present mid next week.

With no heads nor tails, no prior examples, all of us including the tower heads and project execs know exactly to be gathered and worse, how we are going to put it on slides and present them.

They dump data at me of which some may not even be relevant.
Naik puyerng mata gue

Unlike the former project (which I am still doing 20% of it), the Bank's heads and CIO would only seek for presentation slides, 24 hours prior to the time we present.

Now in the new project, much smaller audience, the presentation slides have to be finalised and submitted 4 days prior to the presentation itself.

Tak ker rabak tu!

So now with 2 presentations slides to work on (old and new project) and only few days apart from each other, I am really challenged for time.
I rush through work during office hours and leave office by 5.30pm to help mom with the buka at home.
After prayers, I have the house to think about, mana nak siapkan barang kerja and worse if I have to send out emails before end of day.
Orders are still coming in, Alhamdulillah, and that would mean roughly about an hour working on it each time.

Plus now, with the Car Boot Sale coming up, many logistics are still pending.
Kadang memang macam nak pengsan!

Nanti lepas tu nak raya la.. orang datang rumah la... mesti pergi KL la.. nak amik order la.. then the next Expo in mid-December.
And it won't end just there.
New Year kat KL la.. which reminds me I have yet to book the hotel.
Matilarrr semua pun aku.

Mom thinks I have sleep apnea because she said I stop breathing for a while during sleep. But I always thought that I have been enjoying deep sleeps. Honestly, I barely hear anything when I sleep.

The only thing that would wake me up(I think) is when Lil' Sis accidentally slaps me on my face or chest while sleeping. I would not even realise if she kicks me or take my bantal busyuk away.

Oh, but my brain is still successfully responding to my alarm clock.
That is good enough, though the physical response is always such a failure ie to put the alarm to snooze.

I think I can fall off my chair now but the good thing is that one presentation set is done.
One down. One more to go.

Will definitely have something better to write once this brain is functioning normally again.

*pinky promise*

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