Since I signed a new agreement with IBM, I have never been on MC and was really planning to keep a clean record.
Turns out that the body did not even allow me to work from home.
So, came back to work on the last day of the work week, catching up what was left behind.
On the day I fell sick, I forced myself to fast which was bad.
Should have listened cos by the time it was break fast, I could not even move.
I would feel that my head is falling off even with slight movement.
Went to the doc that night after buka.
I got Lil' Sis to accompany to the doc.
The minute I entered his room he said,"Ahhh your pimples!"
No I wasn't wearing any tinge of make up.
I said,"Yeah its bacteria infection but I came here for something else"
Turns out that it was an allergic reaction and got worse especially when I have sinus.
The dust from the praying mats at the mosque clogged my sinus points bad enough that it got my whole head aching at heavy.
That was when doc gave me 2 days MC. Mom was so happy cos I was at home.
But anyway, he did treat my face further. At least my face is not lumpy. I always thought I had a pimple problem at the same place for a year. Who knew it was a bacteria infection till it 'burst' and spread across the other 3 spots!!
So I asked the doc when will the scar heal.
"6 months."
"6 months!?!??!? Then Hari Raya how??!?!?"
You can imagine me turning panicky.
"Aiyah... wear thick make up la"
Oh my god!!!
Ok I am a fan of thicker eye make-up. Not thick facial make up.. so now must really find some good concealers for the troubled spots.
Plus, I got into a very intense facial regime to lighten the scar marks as soon as possible.
Then, on Thursday itself, I startled from sleep thinking of work. Probably some angel woke me up cos I realised that I had a presentation review on a Friday morning.
Got up from bed and worked on the slides for a good 4 hours and slept again in front of the Thinkpad for an hour - on the bed of course.
Friday we had our PMO break fast cum Mooncake Festival.
Loving food soooo much, I almost puke the Double Yolk and I wonder why people all go crazy with Mooncakes. da la mahal.. tak sedap plak tu
Saturday was quite fulfilling..
Did the walk, the search and the decision.
Yes, I will be holding a booth for the SG Car Boot Sale.
I opted for a booth cos I am not going to bring my dad's car there. Plus I can't drive and my dearest cousin may not be able to lend his car to me.
Luck was on my side that there are about 100 car booters of which the area could fit in only 80 cars maximally and apologetically asked if we can hold out sales at the booth.
I was more willing since I am quite used to booths now.. Despite so, I still have so many logistics to think and prepare.
Selling our pre-loved t-shirts, tops, bags, shoes and even our novels!
At the same time I am clearing Her Closet's stock on the remaining nitty gritty items in order to make way for next shipment to come in during HC's December Expo.
Targetting an entirely different market there, me and Lil' Sis are kinda excited about the whole car booty thingy.
Here are the snapshots from the previous car boot sales conducted.

We hope to see you there so check out the details!!

Date: 20 to 21 September 2008
Time: 10am to 10pm
Venue: Playground @ Big Splash

See the
In the mean time, I am recovering from back ache, leg aches, thigh aches, muscle aches.. everything you can think of.
All due to spring cleaning...
And yes. The allergy is back - again!
I so hate this!
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