Have recovered 9 hours now. Another 7 more hours to go which would be an ease over the weekend.
Last night, I said good night to dad 45 minutes past midnight.
As per normal, the minute the head lay on the pillow, I was brought into another world.
Literally zonked off.
Minutes later which seemed like hours, I heard someone knocking on my room door.
It was dad, saying mom wanted to speak to me.
Turns out to be Lil' Sis talking so fast on the phone saying that she was at Fendi boutique and asked if the bag I wanted was a Hobo Bag.
Gosh I was so groggy!!!
I fondly remember the time when I met Lovie's gorgeous sisters at Nikko Hotel and was deadly attracted to Eleani's Fendi.
(I did mention this in one of my previous post)
I kept mentioning it to mom and sis that I was waiting for the bag to go on SALE!
Apparently it didn't
Sempat pulak I pesan Mom again before she left for London.
Only that this time Lil Sis remembered.
But she said,"Kak, the bag is a chain handle tau.."
"Yeah.. that's the one"
"Tapi takder nama Fendi on the chain tau,"
"No kakak nak yang ader nama Fendi"
"Takder.. tu last year punya design.. this is design baru."
"I know.. but kakak nak yang ader nama Fendi kat depan"
You have to remember, I was dead groggy so a little cranky la..
"Takder.. this is design baru. But it is nice. Almost like Eleani punya. Nak tak?"
"Ah ok ok"
"Ya lah.. just buy"
"How much?"
Sempat plak I tanya
"Ok la.."
"So how? We buy for you first?"
Can you imagine how long the conversation was?!?!?
"Ya la.. just buy just buy"
Hung up the phone. Passed the phone back to dad without even getting out of the bed and headed back to sleep.
It was just 1.30am. 45 minutes that I slept and I thought it was past 2am!
The next day I woke up, grabbed my towel and then reality sink in.
Sh!t! It's in pounds sterling!!
I didn't know why when I spoke to Lil' Sis, I thought it was in Euro Dollar.
I call it rezeki. Hahahhaha!
Finally, a SIMILAR bag I like, thanks to the influence of Lovie's Lil' Sis and my obsession that was ongoing for 8 months.
So now, I have a bag for Raya!
Small and elegant, yet I can bet you that you can put in loads of things in there!

Now that Raya is coming, I mean after 1 month of Ramadhan, I am beginning to think of spring cleaning already.
My wardrobe of less than a year is already tengah mintak ampun and I am really running out of space to hang another hanger.
So I have clothes and bags to give away for the needy.
Clothes and bags are still in good condition.
Know anyone who is doing collection rounds for donation exercise?
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