Her. The woman in my life.
Lil' Sis.
Yes, she is a woman now though always little to my eyes.
But this is what happens when the baby in the family was supposed to leave for London for Summer School for a mere 3 weeks.
1. Dad spent approximately $200 for her maggi, soups, travelling pot, plugs, toothpaste, pads, shampoo, body spray, make up and yadaa-yadaa...
p.s: the kakak tumpang sekaki.. hehehe
2. Her flight was at 11.59pm on a Sunday night and there I was at 5pm, frantically asking her to hurry up with her packing.
She has not folded even a piece of clothe. Worse, all of them were dunked on my bedroom floor. So here the kakak had to carry it all downstairs and fold them into the luggage.
Then pack her shoes. She brought with her 4 pairs of shoes!!
And then her accessories.
And her make up and toiletries.
Time check: 7.45pm, her makeup bag was misplaced and here I was looking for it under her bed. Worse, I started unpacking the entire luggage just to see if it actually terselit somewhere.
Women being women, even I get frantic knowing the makeup bag was nowhere to be found.
3. The kakak starting screaming at 8.45pm asking the baby to go take her shower. We were supposed to be out by 9.30pm to have dinner first before heading to the airport. So she gedebak-gedebuk and entered the toilet only at 9pm.
Her shower lasts 30 mins minimally like nak bersihkan apa pun I tak tau
So we rushed.
Poor dad, had to carry 33kg worth of I-don't-know-what into the car.
Checked-in only to find out that the flight was delayed to 4am.
This kakak was so happy ok. Bcos it meant I get to spend a few more hours with her in SG.
So we took our time to have dinner at Simpang and off to town for coffee and dessert at Lido Mac.
On our way to the airport, we held hands in the car till our palms got wet.
We didn't care.
I told myself I wasn't going to cry. I was thankfully successful and not everyone else.

Everyone cried cos the baby was going somewhere far.
Gosh she is turning 22!
And my last sms to her before her flight took off, "Go grow up and learn but be safe"

I came home to an empty room (ok this part I feel so emotional) and felt so empty myself.
Showered and hit right smack at the centre of the bed with pillows all around me.
Suddenly, I didn't appreciate the comfort the pillows gave me. It wasn't comforting knowing that I am not sleeping with my Lil' Sis and end up sleeping without the comforter cos the excess pillows made me so hot!
Scheduled to arrive Heathrow at 6pm SG time, the minute dad's phone rang, me and mom who were getting ready to visit my grandma were so excited.
Dad shouted from downstairs,"It's not Ein"
But she did called 20 mins later and Mom started to cry on the phone.
I had to get out from the room ok before I ruin my own makeup!
Its been 2 nights now without her. I am still getting used to it. Waking up without seeing her face, or even not hearing her voice telling me to use the toilet first.
I am not used to opening my eyes in the morning and hitting her bantal she is hugging and say,"Ein, wake up"
I am not used to going to work and not seeing her face still so mashyam (in my eyes) and kiss her and say,"Hmmmm... busyuk"
Ok la.. bottom line I am missing her so bad. I keep viewing this pic and feeling so geram that I wish I can pinch her cheeks.

Well, I can, in time and earlier than expected cos Mom had booked a flight for me on the 17th and I have to pay so much for a 5-day trip.
But I know it is all going to be worth it!
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