Finally I'm hitting the driving range with daddy for the first time
This is after many many years of persuading mommy that a game of golf outweighs the damage the sun does on the skin.
I bet someday she will start screaming at us to tampal more sunscreen.
So today, I got my very own first golf gloves!
At the age of 26, I feel a little old to be starting this game.
But I am definitely looking forward to be playing golf because I know that it would be a different mix of people I'd be mingling with.
p/s: Ein! Come home soon! We can get your gloves too! Wheeeeee!
I was telling mom,"Mak, now you shopping you kena panggil new friend cos all your daughters will follow the daddy!"
"I know..."
"Ok I know who can temankan you.."
Ok joke joke.
Anyway, jokes aside, for the first time in my career in IBM, my leave has been rejected!!!. So that would mean:
No London
No Portugal
And wherever else Mom and Lil' Sis are planning to go, I didn't listen cos it is sad enough knowing I won't be joining them.
The only good thing is that I get to save $2,200 on airfare and Mom promised she do me a favour andbuy me 2 bags if I give her the money..
But this time I am more keen to get a Mulberry bag than a Burberry bag.
*rubs hands*
Well, thought of getting a cute bag(not so cute la looking at the tons of things I can chuck in a single bag) for Hari Raya and also a leather bag(I love leather!!!) for basahan
Ok I know I'm so melampau but I wouldn't know when they go London again!
Anyway, I couldn't get leave cos project transition is ending end of this month and then I will be all alone with the Big Boss maintaining the business with the Bank.
So while KT is still on and governance structure is still undergoing progress, Big Boss felt that I should stay in.
What made me feel better was that I managed to take leave on the 14th Aug - which is HC's first day of showcase at Expo!!!
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