Hee hee.. I am just as excited as well to be putting it up. Just wishing that I have enough energy to do so. In fact, some are already up for your viewing and of course for your purchase.
Slept at 4am for 2 nights in a row now and I am still kicking at work especially with the ongoing transition.
Truth is pinggang macam nak patah and kaki macam nak putus.
I wonder if I will ever have the chance to recover from my chronic fatique syndrome. I mean, last week was the exhibition, I was away from Singapore to take my shipment and then now I am breaking my back getting all the photos
I am working on the new collections Insya Allah and hope that I can put up my current stocks before the next showcase.
Yes, we are planning for a another showcase at the same place. The last one before Ramadhan begins. This time, it would only be me and Mon running the show since Lil' Sis will be in London doing her Summer School for 3 weeks.
That also meant that I gave up my 10-day holiday to London due to the upcoming showcase. I was scheduled to fly off on the date of the exhibition. But Alhamdulillah, I got my parents blessing to stay behind, take leave and run the show. I feel so good now!
So want to know how it is like when we were preparing for our first showcase?
1. We overcome our major physical mess - literally
2. We spent late nights on weekdays doing our stock take.

And late night setting the booth up, that of which we had a lot of help from exhibitors around us. They lent us their manequins and gave ideas how to hang clothes.It is very obvious that we are very new!
When we got started...

And how Mon pulled her boyfriend into the picture...

She said,"Bbb... don't pose ok."
And here we were.. Almost done.
Time check: 1.15am

Trully & totally amateurs I would say.
Even our blunders are funny - in our eyes!
Early the next morning, we had got the ball rolling.
From opening the store in the morning to working on weekdays and closing it nearing 11pm daily.
Here were us working hard

And also those like mommy joining in the fun every night.
P/S: They didn't pakat to wear the same!!

But when the time came for us to tear down the place, it was like moving house and saying goodbyes to your neighbours.
Mixed feelings.
Sad but relieved that it is all over.
I wish things could be better but I pray Insya Allah God will show me the path and enlighten me with a solution.
I believe when the time is right, He will guide.
P/S: Lil' Sis is leaving for London this Saturday.
I have a feeling I would feel a little lost. I know it sounds so melampau cos she is going only for a month.
But who is seriously going to layan me?
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