Friday, May 2, 2008

I would love to blog what I had promised to - A good story.
But I guess that is not going to be.

3 reasons:

1. I have facts which I cannot disclose at this point of time.

2. I am too hugely devastated at this point in time to be writing anything that actually makes sense.

3. The brain is like a mesh wire to be writing a proper sentence

Till the brain can think straight and the emotions are hugely kept at bay, please excuse my writings.
Of course when the right time comes, I will disclose what needs to be.

For now, I only have me, myself, I & God.

Facing Despair
A warrior of the light often despairs.

He thinks that the feelings he had hoped to awaken are nowhere to be found. Many afternoons and nights he is forced to adopt a position of the defeated, and no new event can bring back his enthusiasm.

His friends comment:
"Perhaps your fight has come to an end."

The warrior feels pain and confusion upon hearing these comments, for he knows that he has not come as far as he wished. But he is determined, and does not abandon that which he set out to do.

Then, when he least expects it, a new door opens.


The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.

Veronika decides to Die

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