Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I am feeling utterly irritated at work today, for God knows why.
I think at a certain point, I felt a need to be blogging this out.

Yes I love my work. I love what I do and I love the competition.
All sorts of competition.

But there are things that I hate being stuck in corporate office issues.

1. I hate being hit at the back time and again.

When I send out an email to comply to certain processes, I am being replied with the team in copied that they should do further than what I had mention.
In a way, I feel being "played out" so many times like that.
Of course politically, it would seem that one is trying to do their best for the team. But hey, without any discussions or concurrence whatsoever, the mail was sent out to prove that my decisions were not competent enough?

So much for being a team.

2. Some people act pijak semut so tak mati.

I always wonder how they can really play the role very well but I realised that it only comes with a lot of hypocrisy.
They should stop pretending acting hugely concern on what is going on in my life because it has never been a problem for them.

3. I loathe people who speaks their Mother Tongue languages in meetings

I feel the pinch because 95% of the times, I would be the only Malay and by speaking their mother tongue, I feel hugely disrespected.

I lose respect to people who are unable to properly communicate in English and felt the need to speak with the Mother Tongue.

To be honest, people living in Singapore don't even have a good grasp of their Mother Tongue and yet they felt the need to flaunt it?
Is it really necessary?

4. I hate people who just walk by, stick their head into my cubicle and start talking away.

Did they really think that I am not working on something and therefore, I can be interrupted just like that and catch whatever they are saying.

When I come in to work, I rarely get the opportunity to log on to my computer and being called for a discussion. Errrr.. that could wait right?

5. I hate long discussions.

Why can't one ever be efficiently objective?

6. I hate people calling me and ask for clarifications after which, in 30 mins I see an email asking the same question again.

Were you actually listening?
Or you purposely wanted it in 'black & white' to make it seem that you did your work.

I don't go around telling people that I need to start looking for another job just because I can't take the heat in the office.
And it is not me to be using those 'threats'.
If they can't take my presence, then they can take their leave first.
As simple as that.

Me on the other hand, will leave when (or IF) I feel like it.
This is my journey.

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