Exhausting as there were more things which needed to be done and disruptive because it changed my weekend schedule in a way.
Aside from the housework which needs to be attended to(even more now that Lil Sis is in the midst of her exam period), I got sick and weak by the time I ended my night early on Sunday(which is rare).
Worse part was that I had to be in office by 8.30am and was cooped up for a good 7 hours!
Bleh pengsan ok!
Even lunch was in the meeting room.
So anyway, it was my Uncle's wedding last Saturday & Sunday and of course the housework as well.
I am not going to show to you how clean my house is but I will show you what I did for almost the whole Sunday, cos Saturday I basically came at night, ate, chat, laughed, go back, stress myself up of what to wear till 2am and sleep.
I look forward to occasions with my maternal Grandma's side of the family cos there are always been very warm socialising sessions with my aunties and uncles, grandaunties and granduncles, even to my great grandaunties.
That is one thing wonderful about the Jawa people la.. they are so warm and very chatty.
I can even feel very comfortable even when Lil' Sis left in the middle of the wedding to head home and
I will walk a few steps and there is always someone to talk to.
During weddings, biasa lah.. all the aunties and mak maks will ask when is my turn. I got so used to answering the question already.
Even to a point where there were 2 ladies (I reckon they were my relatives too) said they want to match make me with her son.
Terperanjat kodok #1 ok!!!
I thought they mistook me for my sister since many always think I am the younger one. *ahem*
So I told them I was too old for their son which they quickly say that the guy was my age and doing his Honours in Cameron.
Terperanjat kodok #2
Where the hell is that?
Ok for someone who knows me well, I am horrible with Geography.
Haiyah.. Tried to push the offer in a nice way. Tak nak la sampai kurang ajar la plak kan But they said they will set up dinner so that I can "kenyit-kenyit mata"
Ok and so what?
Fresh grads don't even get a good pay nowadays in Singapore.
I just happen to be plain hardworking and got lucky.
Ok ok back to the wedding story!!!
The only disadvantage was the weather.
It was so freaking hot and humid that my make-up literally melted.
One of the berkat was a fan which was a good disposal but didn't cool us down. Even drinking ice cold water didn't help much either.
And I wonder how these kids can run and run and sweat, only feeling the discomfort when the WHOLE WEDDING ENDED!
Ya Allah!
For me, after prayers, I washed my face and carried on the day without foundation.
Gasak la..
So here were my kakis for the day.
Old and Young.
He is semi-old and single. Anyone interested?
Highly recommended.
My older relatives
Spot the crazy fellow, right smack at the center of the pic.
Paman Amin, a nice old fella, also single but so kuat menyakat
During that event, me and Lil' Sis whispered to him that his zip was down.
Member kancheong sekejapan, afterwhich he mengamuk la
Anyway, he was very garang before ok. We wouldn't dare to be NEAR him.
So we always tell him its PAYBACK TIME!
And finally here are my lovelies.
Those who always melt my heart without fail and welcome me & Lil' Sis with so much warmth.
Many more which I didn't manage to get a shot of them cos I was busy chatting away.
But they coming in the midst of my conversations and melendek at me just melts me!
Anyway, heads-up, I do have a good story to tell.
In fact a very good story that even its length would not matter.
Time is factor as I would need to write it all down with a luxury of time and consolidate facts in hand.
I am hugely aware of who reads my blog, silently yet frequently and I think it is about time that something should be made known to all.
It is just about time.
But today shall not be the day.
Happy Labour's Day!!
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