Well, here was what happen on Wednesday.
My department was suppose to have a Durian Party.
Held in Geylang (like OMG!)
Phreekkk them at the last minute because there were loads of work to do.
Plus, I have been supporting my team more than I had to because one of us went on leave.
Soon.. it will be my turn...
Yes yes.. my turn again!
Nevertheless, the work got me so dead exhausted la ok...
I don't care whether or not people around me believed it.
I decided to take a break from work socialising and spend time with mommy. Only to find out that she was helping out her aunty to distribute wedding cards for my uncle who is going to get married end Apr.
I am perfectly fine with visiting older generation, see how they are doing and hold small chats.
In fact, in one of the houses I went to, my granduncle asked me how old I was.
"Almost 26," I replied.
(In Malay of course!)
Guess what he said,"Eh tak macam eh.. muka macam 18"
Ha kau! kembang la aku sekembang-kembangnyer...wahaha!
Bagus laaaa... My anti-oxidants are all working though I am such a pemalas to be putting creams on my face despite I spend a BOMB on it.
I feel like I waste my financial resources.
Despite so, I kept on frantically sms-ing my dear
And she kept hurrying me to come by cos mee soto was waiting for the guests.
I was so excited when I was on my way to her place.
The minute I entered her house, I definitely got a warm welcome and was so excited to see Nurul after so long.
Cos kiter sepuluh kali plan nak jumpa tapi tak jumpa-jumpa
Before I could sit down, her mom asked me,"Girl you lapar kan?"
I sengih dengan muka confirm tak tau malu and said,"A ah aunty"
Within minutes, there was a spread on the table while Nurul was yakking away about hospital stories. Stories that never failed to make us laugh.
It is really just the way she tells it la.
So here was the spread

And we sat till almost midnight, all full, and I kept checking if I burst my pants button everytime I laughed.
Already the shirt button was giving me hard time.
Before we left, we managed to snap a one and only photo of us.

To my one and only little girl:
I hope this entry cheered you up. Not like my other boring ones. Be strong. That is what family is for.
One thing for sure, you have meeeeeeeeeeeee!
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