Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Have you been in touch with the Earth?

I have to admit that I have been losing touch with it due to demanding external factors, especially work which leaves me exhausted most times.
Sadly, it is work that pushes me to the point where I am unconscious of the things/people/environment that orchestrates together with me.

I try to be a balanced person, just like how Lovie has been advising me.
Keep myself level-headed.
Focus on my work and make sure that I spend sufficient time with my family.
At night, I lay my head on my pillow, thanking God for blessing me with a comfortable mattress and abundance of pillows to ensure that I have a good rest.

Recently, I realised that it wasn't enough.
I wasn't doing enough to be in touch with the Earth.
The things I do and the decisions I make may create unwanted repercussions.
What makes it challenging today are my daily decisions I make. It may/may not favour those around me.

Decisions are only the beginning of something.
When someone makes a decision he is, in fact, plunging into a powerful current that carries him to a place
he had never even dreamed of when he made that initial decision.

(The Alchemist)

There are only a number of risks I can forsee.
Many more of those I am blinded.
But I am not alone. There are many who are in the exact same shoes as I am.

Despite the risks, I stand by my faith in God Almighty. My faith in Him, I admit, do stir in great times when challenges kick in, He would still be the One whom I would speak my heart out to when I felt that it was too much for me to swallow.

I have stopped asking Him to show me the light at the end of the tunnel.
Something which I have been typing out in this blog endlessly, everytime I am feeling down.
I have come to realise that the light is shown to me everyday, everytime cos He is with me and He guides me more than anyone else.
When everything else works around and along with me, it is with His knowledge of what He believes is best for me.

I may not have been lucky as many out there.
Because of my priorities, I may not have settled down like many as well.
I may not be married and I may not have children at a ripe marriagable age.
But I need to see too that there are many who are not as lucky as me.
Only then I can understand why I am thanking God for his Blessings upon me.

One thing for sure, Lovie is definitely a blessing from God.
Whether we are destined to live our lives together, which I pray very hard that we do, God will decide how long this crossroad will last.
I was in search to understand life which no one could explain to me the way I could fathom. Or at least those were not the answers which I was looking for.
Then in my darkest moments of my life, Lovie appeared, almost out of nowhere.

God orchestrated so that we met in this world, in this life.
Finally it was Lovie who gave me the many answers which I have been searching for many years.
In fact, he got me really excited in getting the answers to many other things but just like any other teacher, he imparts his knowledge to me only when he feels that the time is right.

Correct me if I am wrong, but this orchestra is what I would decipher as Qada' and Qadar
My life may not be in place in the eyes of many.
But I have faith in God. I will not aggreviate things only because I feel that I need to satisfy people and keep their mouths shut.
If He says that the time is not right, then I will continue dancing to His tune and continue balancing my daily emotions.

I am not going to squeeze in all that have been in my thoughts into this single entry.
The subject of Nature is too complex to be doing so.
Writings like this will span out over a period of time as my search will never stop and with the help of Lovie, I am praying I would understand more than I have asked for.

Life is indeed a journey.
A journey not to find a destination but to understand the beauty of it.

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