4 days 3 nights stay was fantastic!
With exception of the body & muscle fatigue and the period we all took to recuperate.
Sights of Jakarta
Their infamous traffic jams which explains my extensive sleeping patterns
Their daily lives
Basking on the streets
From the hotel, we got a nice view of huge houses
Our indulgences began on Day 1 when we arrived Jakarta, even before we checked into the hotel.
We visited Mangga Dua Swear(That was how the driver promounced it, which meant Square. hahaha!) and was so estatic to see JCO.Donuts
Then we tried Krispy Kreme
And some real food!
Dad brought us to Bandung to see the factory outlets there and obviously the person who did the most shopping was Lil' Pebbles.
She was so hyper!
Dad... he gave up.
I guess he'd rather have a cup of coffee and we were so stressed!! hahaha!
Nevertheless, we had fun taking pics with dearest dad with our Teh Sosro!
At the end of it?
I was happy. I have loads of new clothes.
p/s: I will still rummage through my wardrobe thinking what the hell to wear the following day
Ok here was lil' Pebbles surprise birthday karaoke party with her uni friends. The rest were obviously so not invited.
I am mean lah ok.
Cos it was mom's idea and my guest list. So i decided who came.
Thank you Sdq for the calls to all your friends!
She was indeed surprised!!
Crying at the door and not knowing how to cut the cake. She needed loads of help
Wiping her tears..
here was the kakak orientating
She even needed help with the cake
And here was our fun
When the day closed, I was glad I made this chick happy. I think she must have slept smiling that night.
So I guess that sums it all for now.
In a few days time, I will be off to KL.
Hosting dad's guests who would be joining us and being hosted by Lovie, Insya Allah cos he won't be on leave *pouts*
It's been months since we met. I bet he is still as cute as ever.
Errr.. unless he proves me VERY wrong *pinch cheeks*
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