Monday, December 10, 2007

I came across a part of the book which I am re-reading after 5 years.

Two hardest tests on the spiritual road:
The patience to wait for the right moment & the courage not to be disappointed with what you encounter.

Veronika decides to die
-Paulo Coelho

Was the writer hinting me & Lovie?

During our more challenging times, I will grumble so much to Lovie and he will just answer,"Sabar sayang.."
"How much more am I suppose to be patient?"
"There is a reason to why sabar tu separuh daripada iman"

I could not debate further.

It is almost a year that we are together and we have been challenged & tested all the time.

Yes, we are still on the hardest tests on the spiritual roads.
But I'm trully amazed.

Amazed at how much in love we still are.
How strong we stick by each other and how feelings hasn't changed between us.
It does take a lot of strength & a determined mind to see our very own rainbow with a potful of treasures.
It also takes a lot of courage to believe in what we are capable of doing.

Truth is, we amazed ourselves on how much we pulled through.
Todays were always harder than yesterdays
But there is no doubt that we can survive our tomorrows.

And people do say that patience pays off
Insya Allah ours will.

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