Monday, October 1, 2007

I couldnt sleep last night.
I did manage to sleep but I had too much anger to have a good night rest.

I least expected whatever to happen, happened cos I thought I could trust you.

I will never trust you again.
Ever ever again. You just ruined everything for yourself
Happy now?

Nope? Why? Cos things has yet to go your way?
It is all about you isn't it, you selfish freak.
All you can think about is yourself and how you feel and how 'much' effort you put in.

Effort? *snigger*

It has always been about you. But question is why me?
Why was it me that you decided to point your dirty finger at?

Shame on you.

I shouldn't have stood up for you.
I shouldn't have tried to make things better for you.
I shouldn't have talked to you and tried to help.
I shouldn't have tried to be nice.
I shouldn't have been concern

*slap my face*
Stupid of me.

I should have deserted you.
I should let you be on your own.
I should have let it self-destruct yourself.

Bagai lepaskan anjing tersepit?
Tu binatang.. kalau manusia? Musuh dalam selimut?

Birds of the same feather flock together?
You and your friend played behind my back.
Smooth & nice.
I have to admit, I never saw it coming.
Never thought it will. But it did.
Still, you thought that that would kill & destroy me?

What was the reason for you people to do what you did?
With the 'nice' intention to 'help' me?

Help yourselves before helping others.

Diri tu kemaskan dulu
Ever wonder why the notion,"Humans aren't perfect?"
It's to tell people like you to take a good look at yourself first!

The vengeance I am holding is huge. For you, I will give you a bit of face.
For your friend, I am not yet letting go of the whole incident.

Thing about confronting in any matter is this, don't ever ever tell me someone confirmed this and that.
Bring that blardy someone here and tell it straight to my god-damn face.
And don't bring in other people's lives which are not involved in the subject matter to try and cover your shithole.

Truth shall prevail.
I always and will stand by my notion.

No I will not forgive you both.

Tonight is my judgement night.
If I stand to lose my happiness, I will call out for war.
So watch my mouth.
Because nothing you said about me & him had solved your problem.

But I will make sure I do a favour & solve your problem for you before you RE-start thinking for yourself again & destroy further the lives of people I love.

If you want to play freely, then stop keeping scores.
So let YOUR games begin.

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