Thursday, June 28, 2007

It is really a day today.
I am swallowing a lot of emotions, rushing through loads of things.

I was supposed to be working at DBS today cos I had a lunch appointment but I was so happy that I decided to work from CBP in the morning.

The model I wanted somemore!

Small, Chic, sleek
Suitable for ladies and people like me with such a bad back! It is so light!
The minute me and Rohani got an email notification to get our Thinkpads, we rushed upstairs.

Hahaha! so jakunnnnn...

I spent the morning at the cloning centre, registering as the new owner.

Here was the minute I hooked up my new Thinkpad

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And how messy it gets when I am trying to hard to transfer the data

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I'm a messy girl. But I think messy is fine as long as I am not messed-up!

Then I rushed down to DBS for the lunch appointment.
Had a good long talk. I am hoping to execute matters beginning the following week.
I managed to still keep emotions at bay. I want to be doing things rationally and not based on impulse.

Thing is that I have come to a point where I can stand up for myself and justify my capabilities.

I am so happy that there are people who are supportive of me. I'm sharing the bits with mommy & daddy and they are beginning to trust me in making my moves & decisions. With their blessings, Insya Allah, all will start moving for me.

Not forgetting my Dearest. Though we have been extremely caught up simultaneously, reducing the time we have for each other, I never fail to be sharing the tiniest thing with him. Never fail to be asking him for advise, support and also doa

I have to admit that I do 'ignore' him for a few hours a day and I honestly do feel bad about it.
It sucks cos I miss him more but time has not been on our side.

Still, I'm sure we will be able to find ways to make it up.
I promise you Dear.

I have honestly been busy.
Probably 15 raw reports will start pouring on me starting from yesterday onwards and I have to keep on working on it fast enough to complete before my leave.

I'm leaving it to a couple of people to run meetings on my behalf in my absence. Still, there are teleconferences which I need to run prior to my departure to Thailand.


oh.. and Gunung Ledang this weekend to meet my great grandmother's & her sister's generation. One night affair which includes hiking and a day trip to Port Dickson

I cant wait to be in my track pants and backpacks, just like when I went for the AMP camps.

Last night, I treated the family to a movie.
Excluding daddy that is.
We watched Surf's Up
It's not as funny as I expected but it is really a heartwarming movie to watch.

Big Z really reminded me of Dearest
Not only the size and his voice but the way he tries to pass on his life experiences.
As much as Big Z taught Cody a lot, Dearest probably taught me much more over the past few months. I am so thankful to him for that.

I was so attracted to Big Z that I am asking him to buy me the soft toy. It should be big enough to accompany me through the night.

Aside from Big Z, I giggled a lot listening to these 3 baby penguins.
They are very cute indeed!! Esp the one in the centre..

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The Big Z & Cody

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Dearest, it suits you very well don't you think. Size, voice, initials.. *big hugs*

Over the past few weeks, there has been girls who declared to be Malaysian added Dearest on an internet chat.

Why all of the sudden such things happen when the minute our blog entries talk about ourselves?

Ok what was really stupid was this..
A girl added me in and said how cool the internet chat was. She is trying to add to her friends database. I was her second 'friend' and she searched me via my name.

How many people in this world has a name spelt like mine??

And she admitted it was coincidental.
I'm seriously beginning to think who is the stupid one here.

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