At least my head feel the most liberated!!
Yes! I FINALLY went for a hair cut on Saturday morning, cutting 12 inches off my shoulders!!! washing & combing hair is NO MORE a chore!
Not that I wash and comb my hair often, but every time, the thought of doing it before just drags me.
Bye bye lovelies..
Mom keep saying I look like back in my Secondary School and JC days when I was a tomboy.
Ein said I look like her and she kept screaming at me the whole day, thinking I am her younger sister..
Umur tuer, muka muda takper.. asal kepala otak tak mcm budak-budak
Anyway, we started the day quite late gng to do our junk-food shopping, visit grandma and one of my cousins who just gave birth to her third girl.
I felt so much warmth when the little girls welcomed us so excitedly in their homes.
Thing is I don't visit/meet them often
This time, they insisted we take photos with them...
Ein was so eager to carry the newborn.. I was telling her not to. Cos I have never carried a newborn before!!
She did anyway.. Carried her. Swayed her.
"Kakak, do you want to carry?"
That was a straight flat no from me.. hahaha
"Try la.. it is therapeutic you know?"
But I did give it a shot. And it IS indeed therapeutic!! I started swaying with the baby in my arms, FEELING GOOD
(ok.. when I realised I felt so, IT SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!!)
Congratulations to ME!
I think I did well with the newborn. Cos she slept for a while in my arms.
Must be the boops supporting the baby's head or my tummy cushioning her body.
Sigh.. either way, I was glad she was comfortable - WITH ME!!
Here are the aunties aka Mami Ein & Mami Intan!
*pull hair*
Look at this picture...
When I was holding up her feet, admiring her long toes, I recalled whatever you said about 'little feet'
You are right. They are adorable..(I'm scaring the shit out of myself - AGAIN!!!)
We won't have tons of them. Just nice for mommy to handle.
But it did bring a warm fuzzy feeling when I held her feet.
I remembered you..
I miss him. I do. The past week was horrible for me and him.
We were busy. We talked the least. Schedules were tight.
Things were tense. Communications breakdown and tension heightens.
Dearest had to pay for loads of things.
His car battery went flat. Phone got stolen by a biker when he was on the line with his boss at Bukit Bintang.
Poor darling.
We try to keep things down-to-earth as much as we can though there are times we do fail
But I am glad that we are addressing each other's insecurities the way we want it. We don't snap whenever same questions are asked over and over again.
I was cleaning up mom's room in the evening and he dropped me this note while waiting for me
Baby Love,
There is so much that I want to say and want to do with you. Although I don't really plan everything, it is in my head and I want to have real love and real fun with you by my side.
Now that we are at a stage where everything is getting more serious, with family involvement and more, I couldn't wait for the day when I can propose to you. I am so excited, I am very excited.
I wish I could whisper to you words of love everyday, and I wish I could tell you just how much you mean to me.
As strong as I want to be for you, I am as weak as the next person. I do know that you love me very much, at the same time I could not help being worrisome should I ever lose you. I am so deep in, that I do not envisage myself having a life without you with me. I am so afraid of losing you.
But perhaps it is better for me to just say that the happiest moment in my life is now, with you.
Like Borje Vahamaki wrote "Life is but a brief moment. The years go by quickly and old age arrives suddenly before we have an inkling. People desire so many things and waste their days in vain. Some yearn for gold, others for power, yet others for glory and a higher station. But when death's moment nears and they look back at their lives they've lived, they realise they've been happy only during those moments when they've loved"
I am yours forever ... I love you my dear Nuramima.
He did mention in his blog that he wanted people to know that we are the living proof, being the believers of love.
This is reality. We are real people with real stories.
No I don't try to prove to people how happy I am with my other half
I share with my blog readers my happiness, only for those sincerely interested.
If life to you is needing to prove something, then be frank, honest, upfront and sincere.
Don't put up something where the whole world can see and then, pull it down again.
Honestly, I never saw the motives to such things... except to have their lives wasted.
But then again, i thought i shouldnt be mad.
I should feel sorry and sad for the person who lives in that kind of situation.
Ok so here is the moment you guys might be waiting for.
The haircut can be styled in 3 way just by using my fingers to comb.
Style #1:
Style #2:
Style #3:
I'm very glad and relieved that Dearest loves the new haircut.
Thank you Lovie!!! *hugs*
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