Sunday, May 6, 2007

Remember I was mentioning about my baby cousins whose mother died of breast cancer 4 yr back?

The girl, Adik, is 8 years of age.
Quiet and very relenting.

It was over pizza on Saturday that I asked her if there were anyone who bullied her in school.

She nodded.

I probed further.
Mom got so hyped up.

Mom being mom, she didn't like the idea that one of her favourite nieces was bullied.
My baby cousin being her, just let it be
She is who i would describe as inferior and an introvert.

Thing is my baby cousin was bullied for more than a year by the same boy.

Mom decided to do something.
She got up early and made a huge effort to go to Adik's school to talk to the teacher.

My mom went into tears explaining to the teacher about adik being brought up with only a parent.
And she did also teared when the teacher told her that the bully had neither parents and was staying with his aunty.
Both his parents passed away

Yes the story twisted.
Who would ever thought that this bully's fate was worse than my baby cousin's
At least my baby cousin has a father to take care of her and treat like his own.
The bully?
He has to adapt himself in an environment, probably not even favourable to him.

I never got away with bullies.
As much as I am a strong person by nature, i wasnt sure how come i never stood up to these bullies.

I was bullied since nursery till Secondary 4
Yeah.. that was a long time.
And all incidences are very vivid in my mind

In nursery, kids would pinch me cos they wanted to wear my shoes, or get me off the swing, or let them do art painting first.

In primary school,the bullying started when i moved house and went to a new school in primary 3.
I was this new nerdy kid on the block.
The kids had their own clan. I was new and alone.
The notion of 'Friend', 'No friend', 'geng' and 'tak geng' was always used on me.

The pinching still continues.
And i tried to be nice all the time so that they would friend me

Alamak so pathetic eh..

But all that didnt work.
Getting scores higher than them would make them ignore me for weeks.

It was streaming in Primary 4.
Got into the top class, EM1. I was so estatic. Thought i would have new friends.
I did but still things didnt change.
p/s: I dropped my Higher Malay in Primary 5 cos my melayu has always been so teruk

Thing is i never tried to stop enjoying my school life.

I tried to change things in Secondary School.
This time, the notion of 'Friend', 'No friend', 'geng' and 'tak geng' was dropped.
Instead, the notion of "I'm popular" & "I'm a bitch" was used.
Surprisingly, i never fell into that category.


But schoolmates will keep on laughing at me.

For being so nerdy
Being a rich man's daughter whose life is so controlled.
Bringing very little money to school only because mom didnt want me to eat all the unhealthy stuff.

Other than that, they laughed at me for having "duck's backside"
And "Negro lips"

Then i hated the way i looked.

I would blame it on my genes as much as possible

Today, if i were to say these, people would not believe them and said,"Nice what.. like Angelina Jolie or J Lo"


yeah.. but they didnt know about Angelina Jolie or J Lo back then.

Thing is that, there was a point of time I was really embarassed by the whole malay clan in the canteen.
All i did was to walk to the girl's toilet and wept.

Things only changed when I entered Junior College.
I was popular. My butt and lip was the talk of the town.
I was one of the hotter girls back then.
*lol* perasan

Girls dun fancy me much.
But i was more popular among the boys.
Cos i am was a half boy. I wouldnt be whining if we had to climb over the fence to cabut class.


See the thing is this, I never retaliated back then when I was bullied.
Same thing with Adik.

But today my life in some/many ways are different from the bullies.
I enjoy more things in life now.

I see it.

What happened to them?

Some, their mothers died and i will be so thankful that i have my mom

Some lost their dad, and i am thankful my dad still pampers me

Some, married early, have kids at the age of 22. Me, swinging single, need not bother about milk formula, prams and diapers at that time and even now.

Some, I brushed against them in shopping malls, just lost their youth glow, looking so stressed.

Some, who were popular then and never want to look at me cos i wasnt par with them, ended up today being selekeh, putting on a lot of weight. More than me actually.

And today, they will walk past me looking elsewhere.

I thank god of the good things He showered on me.
I thank god He made me see these.
Cos I will bring up my kids, never to bully anyone.

When fate twists, it can be really scary.

I'm praying Adik will have a brighter and more comfortable future when she grows up.
Her endurance to face the bully/ies in school, I pray will pay-off.

Today, I am faced with different competitions.
Competitions I do not seek

What's hot now for my age?

Who's getting engaged.. who's yet to be
Who's getting married.. who's yet to be

Where is the wedding...
How many guests..
What's the hantaran figure.

*roll eyes*

When my time comes, I will do what I had dreamed of and not because i feel that there is a competition to meet.
In that sense, i may be rational, though it may not be expenditure-wise.

Looking at the above i wrote, probably some might think I wrote with a mind of a 16 yr old, or 25 year old, or 30 year old.

That I am just "a kid"

*shake head*

Girlfriend tried to explain. But i wouldn't buy it.
Then she asked,"If you are gng out with a person 10 yrs your junior at 15 yrs old, don't u think he is a kid?"

Hell yeah. Cos first thing I would ask is whether he had reached puberty.

At least I'm not going to create another Siti Nurhaliza and Datuk K story.
*roll eyes*

Some people just NEED to talk.
There are so much more that they need to explore.
And they might just be surprised.

On a final note, I thought of warm welcoming a new array of blog readers di semberang tambak
I only found out about it recently when I saw my blog visits rising so fast.
I wanted to pinch Girlfriend's nose when she told me.

I didnt think i would write anything which may appeal to you guys,
But anyway, welcome...

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