Wednesday, May 2, 2007

It was a good break for me
Good labour day break.

I left my Thinkpad adapter in the office.
I really did plan to follow up on my work.

But i think God told me to take a break.

In the midst of hurrying to pack up my things on a Monday night in the office, I left the adapter behind.

I wanted to head back to the office just to take the adapter.
But the family outing made me forget all about it

It was a nice warm Labour Day for me

Woke up late!
On a weekday... whee!
Yes, I am a late-riser. Who cares?

Got ready to go out and have lunch.

After which i made it to the gym!
Like finally!

After many many weeks!
In fact, I won't be surprised if it had been 2 months since i have been to the gym

The body felt so gatal to run
But instead of doing the usual 7 - 10 mins warm up, i did a 17 minute warming up.
Loosen up the muscles yang dah lama kaku

I managed to run 3km on the threadmill.
The furthest I ran without getting breathless.

This time I didnt watch the telly while running.
I realised that my breathing will follow in accordance to the show..

This time, i paced my running.
And i ran in front of the mirror, instead of facing Orchard Road which was so packed!

I ran and ran
Told myself i need to lose the weight.
Listened to 'Sexy Back'
Made it a motivational song to keep the pace going.


Well.. it somehow worked.
Within 3 mins of running, i was sweating like a pig!
Pitting out at my armpits
Damn! It felt so great.

The embarassing thing was right after that, i headed for the Yoga class.

Breathing and stretching exercises.
I was more flexible than i thought

Thing was I stood right in front of the instructor
And we had to raise our arms when doing Yoga
He saw my PIT-OUTS!!!!

After an hour of Yoga, my shirt was still wet
And i was still pitting out

Prayers at the mosque nearby after which we ketuk our daddy again dinner at Sakae
We do that a lot actually.

Here are the adik beradik giler for the day

In the car:

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And definitely my ever-so-adorable sister who i love like heaven and hell and can never get enough of her!

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After dinner:

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I told you the siblings went mabok!

When dinner ended, the family lepak at kedai kopi this time instead of Starbucks
And thanks to dollie-kechik aka Ein who restarted the game of Uno.

It can really be an ice breaker!

Teh tarik and Uno

*smack fingers*

Today lunch, i was dragged to Fish & Co
Cos Hui was craving
My fault?!?!?!

Here were us:

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I'm going back soon.
I might blog again later tonight.
Something has been in my mind for the past couple of days

For now, I am too exhausted.
Red tired eyes.

I tossed and turned trying to sleep.

I barely slept for 2 hrs last night.
The muscles must be aching too much that I couldn't sleep.

*roll sleepy eyes*

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