Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Birthday yesterday was alright.
Bro in hospital so there was nothing much that we could do anyway.

Hui was the first person to sms.
Followed by Rain and Ef
Aunty Rahimah and someone in Aussie

Thank you!

Many more sms-es and calls came in
Even anonymous ones
And a cousin, surprisingly.
Yes, we shall have lunch tmr!

One unexpected sms did come.
Thing is dalam diam, dia selitkan whatever he wanted to say
That I didnt bother to reply.

Well, the highlight of the birthday itself was when my 2 ladies brought me out for lunch.
They said they wanted to bring me to Banquet.

It was ok for me.
No expectations.

But they went over and above what I had expected.

First we had lunch at Sakae Sushi.
A very good treat and we all ate a lot!

Me and my Teriyaki Chicken Don.
Favourite dish!

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Then Hui pulled out a card. Handmade card
Which she did till 4am that morning.
So sweet!!

Yes, my favourite character!
Strawberry Shortcake!

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And when we were done with lunch, they pulled out a gift.
I couldn't stop smiling ear to ear

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A DKNY watch!!!
tak sabar sabar!
I wore it right on!
Yes! I squealed!
Thank you so much Nisa, Hui & Rohani!!!

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This is them making my day

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And the girl who never fail to put smiles on my face!

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That night was dinner at Fish & Co with the family

We weren't really dressed for the occasion cos we were going to visit abang at the hospital.

This is my VERY cute little one

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My birthday is always Mother's Day to me.
I will always remember her crying when she gave birth to me.
Till the nurses thought she was in pain.

The VERY cute little one and ME!

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Us having dinner

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I always said this

At 8.47pm, when i came out crying, my mother cried with me.
And i couldn't thank her enough for bringing me into this world.

I seriously couldn't.

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I do miss daddy though

You tried to ruin the family. The most precious thing I have. But Allah is Great.I'm still leaving things to Him. He will take care of issues for me and you won't be able to run

Something funny yet embarassing happen today.

I was busy doing my work as usual.
Then i received a call

Private number

Me: Hello
Caller:Hello. Boleh saya cakap dengan Mima?
Me:Yes Mima here. Who is that?
Caller:Itu Mima?
Me:(starting to get irritated) yes who is that?

Caller: You kenal Zul?
Me: Zul? Which Zul?
Caller: You tak tau Zul mana?
Me: Who is that?
Caller: I ni matair Zul..

My thoughts were going elsewhere ok! But thing with me is that, i dun scream or shout. I am known for my MONOTONE!

Me: OK and who are you?
Caller: I dah cakap i ni matair zul!

(wah minah ni bobual step benar la!Aku da hot ni har!!!)

Me: What is your name?
Caller: Eh you tak paham ker.. I kan da cakap i ni matair Zul.
Me: I tau.. tapi kalau anjing ader nama, tak kan matair takder nama kan

Caller: I nampak nombor you kat handphone Zul. I nak tau kenapa dia call you smalam


Me: Which Zul are you referring to? I know a few Zul-s.

Caller: You tak tau? I ni matair zul tau!

(alamak pompuan ni kan.. pantang la pompuan bobual macam minah)

I refused to speak malay

Then there was a ghostly laughter

(part ni lepak ok!)
Me: I see you are well-prepared with sound effects

Caller: Sound effects?

*ghostly laughter again*

Ok this part i was so blardy irritated.

Me:If you are planning to be such a bitch, this is not the right time for me. I have so much work to do. You got me at the wrong time

Caller: Oh myy!!! Garang nyer!

Then she said this:


My first reaction?

"Oh shit!"

Then i covered my mouth. Only not to allow the vocab to get better!

I was being sabo-ed on air la.

So embarassing ok!!

Who was behind this? Rohani!!!

But we ended up laughing so much.
I felt bad and sms-ed the radio station
Which she said on air that she received and it was ok.

Listeners were not happy that i called her a bitch


Abis kacau orang time kerja
I dont listen to Malay radio. So I wouldnt know there was such programme!!

Thing is I didnt even get the hint when she played the sound effects..

La.. orang dengar malay station when my parents switch it on in the car!

But she did say i was so garang
I think the prank was cut short.


Did you realise that she had to ask a few times if it was Mima on the line?

I bet she was thinking laki mana angkat kena double triple confirm

I am still laughing about it now.
Girlfriend laughed till she had to take actifed cos cough became so bad.

We were imagining what they would say.
Kesian ini Zul mesti kena habis-habisan


Garang ader tempat per..Jangan la goyang..
Look at this harmless face to ease yourself

*yeah right*

Yes! I can't wait to see you for dinner!
22nd is the date for those who tak sabar-sabar nak tau bila

Thanks Rohani!
No damage done hopefully


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