I have yet to shower, cut my nails, remove the dead skin around my cuticles, wash my hair & raise my legs because they are so sore right now.
But this entry has been long due with intentions long ago.
Photo uploading is always faster in Facebook cos you can 'Select All' and upload and that's it.
So anyway, this was our first trip without PG(Parental Guidance) and we made it to Jakarta.
Airfares are so expensive. While just early this year, I can fly on Qatar for $224 for 2-way and including tax, this trip I paid about $320 which was the cheapest via SQ.
During the 90-minute flight, after food was served and too lazy to even walk to the lavoratory, the sisters out of boredom took the random pictures.
This trip was really unpampered.
We had no driver to pick us up.
So we had to look for our own airport transfer which we managed to get a good offer.
The minute I had paid for their transfer service, I dragged the supervisor to help me top-up my Indonesian Pre-Paid SIM Card.
Off we went to the hotel!

While in the transport, I was updating those I needed to.
Telling them I was ok. Needn't worry. That I will be safe and that I was heading to the hotel.
Suddenly I feel like a GEM!
The minute we checked in, I was so estatic with the room.
We checked in to a Pacific Floor at Sari Pan Pacific.
Though the hotel lobby was not the best that I have been, I was so in love with the room.
Tak keluar pun takper la...hahahahaha!!!
Our room no:
Our Entrance:
Our Living Room:
Forgot to take the picture of the kitchenette
Our Bedroom with my daily reading corner:
Our Bedroom with the toilet corner:
The same toilet which has 2 entrances:
And the full length mirror BEHIND the toilet door
Ni important niiiii....
Our Hotel View:

The first day was wasted in the room lazing watching TV.. konon jet lag
Plus there were not many places to go except for shopping malls at that hour.
Eventually went to Plaza Indonesia, grab dinner and went to the CD shop, playing all songs from the Indonesian Band that we knew.
Original CDs are from Rp35,000 to Rp45,000.
I went crazy - For mom. For Nurul. And for myself!
The next morning, it was my trip to do wholesale shopping!
While everything was perfectly fine and things going the way it should, something gave way.
My shoe.
I contemplated to buy a new pair since other than the surface, the shoes seem in a perfect condition.
After shopping through 10 floors, there I found a Crocs-imitation going only for 6 bucks! Then, I went crazy - as per normal.
So I got a brown and black.
As I wore my new pair, I threw the old one inside the bin.
A small boy with his mom walked past me and said,"Kok sepatu gitu juga dibuang"
I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.
While shopping, we got hungry despite the heavy buffet breakfast we had.
Shopping does make us think ok!
To save time, we bought Pop Mie for Rp5000 and had Teh Botol for Rp2800.
So much for saving time when there are pictures taken.
Everyone so know we were tourist lor...
Well, we thought it was cheap but locals there were telling us it was expensive.
They were right.
We went to a high-end supermarket daily to stock up our water and junks and guess how much is a Pop Mie?
Suddenly I felt so cheated.
But anyway, the trip was wonderful.
There was nothing more I needed than to have some time to myself.
While the sisters enjoyed, the room has capacity for me to bawak diri
Watch the telly. Listen to music. Read a book.
3 days flew but despite so, I was thinking of Nyai all the time.
Alhamdulillah the maid could do a good job.
Before we left, we did a lot of last minute pictures.
Evidence of enjoyment:
Evidence of Starbuck-whoring throughout the 3 days:
Evidence of fat and junk:

Evidence of shop like we are never dropping:

It was only hours before our flight that we managed to squeezed in some time to get proper food.
My mom said it was as if I so jakun tak pernah nampak makan.
She doesn't know.
Food is my best companion.
I am too exhausted to continue any further.
Plus I have a date with daddy dearest to the Driving Range.
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