Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My day started early in the office
I came in at 9.15am.. Yes that is early *lol*
And I took a cab down else i would arrive 10 mins later, of which is my normal timing.
I wish i can drive.
Or someone can drive me to work

But anyway today we had our account lunch event.
Thumbs up to Hui and Rohani who did most of the liaisons with the caterers and the security.

We spinned off at 9.30am with the caterers coming with the tables and setting up the place for 400 people.
Can you imagine just the 3 of us doing it?

We had our fun, frustrations and exhaustion.
By the time we cleared everything, it was a little past 3pm
And we hadnt had lunch.
That is usually what happens to the committee members i suppose.

By the time i sat down at my desk, my chest was so exhausted
And i starting reading my mails.
belambak pulak tur

We knew it was going to be a busy day for us(at least for the 3 of us)
And can you imagine how touched i was when i came to my workstation, placed my bags on the table and this was what i saw

Caffeine boost!

And here was in the midst of setting up the place

Most of the pictures taken are in Rohani's camera. She has yet to upload it.
Security required us(only 1 person) to wear a red armband just so that we can take photos.
And i was the one wearing it.
Nobody else wanted to wear but i was more than happy to be doing it
Cos I can so wrongly snapped photos with my own camera phone!


Me and Rohani

Me and Asmira

My new hairstyle nowadays...
And i thought it never suited me till 2 days ago.
Prob cos now my hair is longer

And because of the exhaustion that we had to run up and down
I went home earlier than usual.

Left the office at 6.30pm and some were shocked to see me off
Hui was so cute. She pulled my hand and told my manager that she was going to bring me home.

These pictures are proof.
6.55pm and I am at Expo MRT!

On the phone yet sempat nak senyum!!!

Though i continued work from home, the good thing is that i managed to have a 30 mins power nap
And now it is time for bed!

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