What to expect at 37 weeks: The delivery plan

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

This will probably be my final entry prior to delivery.
On the 9th Oct, I went in for my regular check up and my gynae wanted to check if I was dilated.
The past two check-ups, I was 0cm dilated. Even when I was going to deliver Rania, I was 0cm dilated in the delivery suite.
I believe my cervix is so hard that it refuses to open.

Which explains the 36 hours in the delivery suite with Rania, 2 Pitocins and intravenous oxytocin which only made me dilated 3.5cm after stretch.
Without being able to handle the rhythmic contractions, I finally opted for epidural.

4 hours later, I was fully dilated and 4 pushes later after crowning, Rania made her parents cry with her first cry.

So this time around, I was expecting the same. So when the gynae put her hands deep in, she looked stunned.
She said,"You are already 2cm dilated. You want to give birth today?"

Ok wait... what? I am dilated? Give birth today?
I was not mentally prepared though the hospital bag was.
So I said no.. let's do it naturally but the gynae warned it was going to be anytime.

We set another appointment on the 16th Oct to induce the baby out if nothing happens along the way.
I was thinking,'Man that sure won't happen. I'd probably come back before that.

But that didnt happen too.
I had regular pain. My contractions come and go. My backaches and tailbone gave me hell.
Sleep is no longer in my dictionary.
For a constipated person who heads to the loo once every 3 or 4 days, I am dumping it every day at least once now.

All signs of pre-labour but the labour didn't come.
The anticipation got so high with Alfi & I but eventually we decided, 16th it shall be then.
I would not hold it in any longer because I have become pretty much immobile and my little boy is already 3kg from the last time I checked.
He made a record of putting on almost half kilo in 3 weeks!

His big sister was only born at 2.565kg!

So while waiting for the little boy to pop, I have been on hospitalisation leave.
Resting as much as I can.
I have been sleeping a lot these days, especially the past couple of days, as if the body knows that it will go through labour soon.

But Alfi and I are also spending a lot of time with Rania before she gives up the title of being the only child. She knows that her days are numbered and getting more and more clingy each day, as if she is going to lose her mummy.

So all our attention currently is with her

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She is becoming a big sister soon!

We also managed to celebrate Alfi's birthday with all his families. Something simple and no-fuss, just the way he likes it.
A lot of us anticipated I will give birth on Alfi's birthday but then again, that didnt happen.

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So today will be spent a nice quiet family time. Just the 3 of us before mummy checks in to the delivery ward. I would not know how long will it be till all is over but do stay tuned to my VC Page for delivery updates.

So till the next time!


1 comment:

  1. U have a safe delivery dear. Semoga Allah swt mempermudahkan dan melindungi diri mu, insha Allah.


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