Surviving with your baby: Carry me Mummy

Monday, November 12, 2012

It surely doesn't feel like a Monday today because tomorrow is a public holiday. I was so eager to take a day off today so that I can have a long weekend but since Rania and myself have been sick, I have been taking MC and time off from work, there are so much things still left undone that I would rather have it done today and enjoy my tomorrow.

Weddings are filling up the calendar now that it is the end of the year.
Whenever I am at these weddings, I am always eager and more often than not, I learn their creativity and I kind of like it.

Except of course briyani was never my cup of tea.

This weekend was more interactive than the rest. Mom brought the whole family to swensens for my anniversary dinner and I stumbled upon a Mothercare sale at Plaza Singapura which was to die for, really.

I know there are many who has different types of strollers.
I remember buying for Rania when I was 5 months pregnant and I have not changed since. It is a great buy, sturdy and despite Rania refusing to sit in it, I am very hopeful that someday she cannot put up with her Mummy's walks and then relents to sitting in the stroller.

Hope floats.

Rania loves being carried (doesn't all babies?) but she is a little too much. She loves being cuddled and hugged. She loves the human touch from me and Alfi.

Just like every other baby things, I tried and tested with so many of Rania's carrier.
I started with the Baby Bjorn Active Carrier because I always have had back problems.
It was great from 0 months till 12kg and I thought it was great.

Baby Bjorn Active Carrier

I have always tried to make it a point to make one purchase that can last.
Then I saw parents carrying their baby in a sling and it seems comfortable. What's best is that I could eat comfortably which carrying Rania.

Baby Balboa

I saw something like Mini Monkey brand for $65 and I used it throughout my four day trip in HK and survived terribly with no stroller.

Alfi still preferred the Bjorn. I did too but I felt I could do more things with the sling.
So I fell in love with this until I saw parents using Ergobaby which seems very comfortable for mummy and baby. The thought of spending $170 is way out of the question. Then I stumbled upon something very similar on GMarket for just $30 with postage.


It was a small price to pay for trial and error!
When I got it, I love it like crazy. It works exactly like the Ergobaby except it was really a chap-pa-lang (no brand). I didn't care.

The sponges were thick and comfortable. The waist band was great for my hip support.
If I sit down, I need not open my legs to let the baby's legs dangle. Rania can sleep for a couple of hours in there. I love the body contact.

The only downside I saw was that Rania could not face forward and she is one busybody little girl that when she is awake, she wants to see and touch everything.

$30 ya'all!

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Alfi still didn't like it.

Then yesterday was our breakthrough.
We saw Baby Bjorn going on sale. What caught my eye was the price slashed.
Then I requested to open up the box.

"Great.. there is a lumbar and thick sponges and a back support."

And I flipped and flipped the carrier and requested to try it on Rania.
I immediately fell in love with the Baby Bjorn Comfort Carrier.

Baby Bjorn Comfort Carrier

1. I could fix the carrier on my body and then slip Rania into the front pocket and latch her at the two sides. This is a good thing. I don't need to carry her, work the slings and latch the necessary, hoping she doesn't fall. Big advantage.

2. There is a padded waist band which really helps especially now that Rania is heavier my stamina is not very good. I can last for hours in her in the carrier.

3. Rania can now face both in and out. Awesome.

4. Rania can have 2 types of legs positioning. One to wrap around my waist (like how Ergobaby works) and another to just let her legs dangle (like how the active carrier works)

So this one carrier is really a two-in-one for me and Alfi and trust me, it is more comfortable than either one of the carriers which we previously liked.
The only thing I didn't like about it was that it was only for use from 3 months onwards so Alfi said while Rania can utilize the new carrier, her younger sibling can use our first bjorn when he/she is born. I excitedly agreed.

The original price was $349. Over the weekends, it was on sale for $199.
Please tell me that was a steal.

It didn't take long for us to decide the purchase and immediately used it.

Here is Rania, facing myself and her best position to sleep (she just woke up) with leg position which allows her to wrap around my waist.


And here she is, forward facing with her legs dangling


And here are the two other ladies, guilty of pampering her a little too much.


p.s: I am not the shortest among us three. I just choose not to wear heels for baby's safety.

So mummies, what are your favorite carriers and which ones would you recommend?
I am sticking to this through daily wear and travels.

Note: All opinions are of my own and I am not selling my pre-loved items because I still love them, though not as much as the Comfort Carrier.



  1. Omg that price is a steal! I've always wanted to own one but kept changing my mind because I'm not sure if I can survive carrying my baby without breaking my back and of cos the price *gulps*. And also I have no confidence that my baby like to be carried that way, he loves to be free most of the time. So it is still a big dilemma for me :( I love strollers but when I'm out on my own I can't take the bus!

    1. It is isn't it? how not to buy? i am such a sucker for carriers. I can go on like this for hours and it is great! A lot of mothers vow with Ergobaby, but with this i have the Ergo and Bjorn feel which gives Rania the best comfort when she sleeps and play.

      I would not buy it if it was $349. but do look out for steals because its xmas season soon and there may good buys to come too!
      I love strollers too.. but they end up being my trolley for things because Rania REFUSES the pram!



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