TGIF: Night walk

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I was on childcare leave today since mom is still in London and my aunty who helps babysit Rania while I was at work was not able to babysit her today.

So really, it was a lazy afternoon especially when i could not sleep well at night with Rania crying every hour and would go back to sleep when i hug here. I am suspecting her teething discomfort.

The husband came home and my family typically spends a lot of time in the bed, watching the telly, playing with Rania.
At 9.30pm, i told the husband that I wanted dinner.
So after sooooo much contemplation whether to buy out or go out to eat, I decided i wanted some 'fresh' air.

Off we went to Lau Pa Sat to have my mee hoon goreng and teh tarik halia which is really the nicest I have tasted.
I suggested that we take a walk at MBS and in that way, Rania will also fall asleep during the walk.
She somehow finds it therepeutic sitting in the carrier while we walk. It is the easiest to make her sleep.

So I already wore her her nightwear, changed her diapers and off we went!

*all photographs taken with my HTC One X*

Rania did sleep when we were about to finish our walk 45 mins later.
I smiled. My planning was perfect.

She slept throughout the car ride and i placed her on the bed to continue sleeping.
I worked on my blog posts while she sleeps and now its time for me to rest.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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