Counting down....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It is back to work for me after a night in the hospital and 4 days of Medical Leave.
I picked up Lil' Sis from home and she entertained me with this video.

Please tell me that this is super adorable!!!

I am gathering all the pictures and stories that I have been lagging for the longest time ever!
I am feeling a little perked up today (though I am not sure for how long or how many hours..) but will get things going.

Her Closet has new things interesting too.. It just had to be at the time when my Lil' Girl is coming out.
But I will not shy away because I really believe that this is God's works.

I remember being very afraid of labour and I am very thankful that there are many ladies out there who share real and solid truth of labour and birth.
I prefer the ugly pictures so if anything comes prettier, I take that as a bonus.
Keeping the expectations low I would say...

Today, I am tired.
Tired of feeling scared of child birth that I stopped thinking about it (maybe until the contractions start to appear again)
I am tired of cleaning up my house.
I am really exhausted. I facebook-ed to see if this was normal.

I have been getting dizzy spells. Nausea.
It feels like I am going through the first trimester with a third trimester body.
Onset of labour.

So finally the emergency bag is already ready and sitting in our tiny car's boot.
All it needed was a wake up call during my admission to the hospital recently that the emergency bag needs to be ready.

Funny thing was I had my things ready.
I had Rania's things ready.
But I forgot all about the husband's things.


My Little Girl is actually due on 13th January 2012.
But it seems like the baby has dropped and fully engaged into my pelvic bone now. Contractions are already occurring though most times I do not feel it.
The doc and nurses are quite puzzled and a part of me hope that my threshold for pain is superb!

So it seems that this cutie may come out earlier than the machines expected.
She will turn 37 weeks on 23rd December so it may possibly be a X'mas or New Year baby even.

I remember (what it feels like not too long ago) during my honeymoon in Krabi, I was quite resistant to get pregnant.
I wanted to have some time with the husband after the wedding.
We did not have a great dating time during our courting and engagement days you know.

Honeymoon was awesome cos we did not do too many things, especially it was the monsoon season.
A week there passed so slow that you really enjoy every bit of it.
Doing nothing but just to stare at the husband's face.

Awesomely, I captured this moment


I remember reading out loud to the husband:

“Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You really need to be certain it's what you want before you commit.”

Yes, this quote is from Elizabeth Gilbert in 'Eat, Pray, Love'

The husband turn to me and said,"Nonsense! Go throw away the book."
He is more of a kid-lover than I am and I am always declaring that, because it is true.

As the date nears, I remember this again and again and telling myself,"Damn, the tattoo is really going to be stuck on my face."
37th week i.e full term is only 10 days away and I still do not know how to feel bringing a Little Girl into this harsh world.

Next check up is in a week's time.
I have been doing a lot of squatting and my pelvic bone has really widened!
Whatever as long the birth is easier for me.

You know like how I have heard those aunties saying always say,
"Alah, I beranak senang jer.. macam batuk ajer keluar. Cepat!"
("Giving birth is easy... you cough and the baby comes out.")

Makcik betul tak sayang pipi.

I have also heard stories of first time mothers saying their labour is less than hour.
Of course I didn't roll my eyes in front of her. Neither did I say what I wanted to.

On top of that, I have tons of people saying how big I am.
That whenever, they see me, its like they are so amazed seeing an elephant walking into a room.
Sometimes I don't know how to explain that I may have a huge placenta and that I was born with backside and hips meant to give birth to a football team.
Then it is not worth explaining. I never like to explain.

They thought my Lil' Girl was big.
Adoi! Choi! Touch wood they call it. phui phui phui...

At 29 weeks she was 1.1kg
At 32 weeks she was 1.9kg
Her last check up at 35 weeks was 2.4kg.

Mummy is hoping you just tip a little past 3kg ok.
Don't come out so big please because you are a girl!

Husband always warned me that I am pregnant so must be careful not to say anything hurtful anyone.
So I do is smile smile smile and laugh laugh laugh, visualising myself urut dada in my head.

I find that so nonsensical.
Pregnant women are blardy hormonal you know and we have to put up with such?!?!?
I cannot understand why people cannot say anything nice and soothing.
It really doesn't hurt you know. It really doesn't.
Then I found out that some people just find it hard to.



  1. I'm a 1st mummy like you too! and when i was on my labour pain in the delivery suite i did not think of anything beside delivering my lil taiko on that very night itself. And the nurses were kind they 'selawat' and ask me drink a cup of water and encourage me to push and push and push...

    I was injected with epidural so the bottom part of my body was numb and i have to use xtra energy to push. It was a relieve to see my lil taiko is finally out and there begin a new journey as MOM! Motherhood we need patience that the key.

  2. Intan.. I had the same issues. Hearing all sorts of comments from the makciks too. Haiz. Well I don't care and i did it just as how I read it. Thank god, Hadya is turning 5 months this 23 December :). She was slow on the weight gain too but she came out a good 3.53kg. I was in the labour ward for 15 hours but the real deal when the pushing comes, I had to push for 1 1/2 hours and it was real indescribable pain.No drama, just real stuffs. haha After all that , all is well. My prayers for you. Insyallah selamat k. ( and don't worry, all pregnant ladies look fabulous !! )

  3. Kak Intan~ I'm so excited for you.
    Most importantly, your hubby must be there ALL THE TIME to give you emotional support during the contraction and labour!
    I was fine while waiting until darwis went for Jumaat prayer, I was alone (selawat..selawat..) but seriously, I lost it!So make sure you have a company!
    Whatever it is.. it's WORTH IT, insya Allah.

  4. Mamachantek: you are so lucky to have really supportive midwives around you to help you through.
    I am quite reluctant to take epidural but i am not sure if the side effects are for real. But who knows.. I have to be in the situuation to see what i decide.

    Nura: oh you know how these people can really talk Sometimes. Anyway, hadya is girgeous.. Really has the good look genes from you. Looks like you are enjoying motherhood. 3.5kg is fine.. I am just afraid of the pain if tge baby is too big.. Lol.

    Sha sha: oh my... My 37 weeks is on friday. I will make sure my sister takes leave and temankan... And insya allah i will pull through. :)


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