Dream a lil' dream of me

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

For those who have been through pregnancy, they may have encountered what I have been for the past few months.
Really wierd dreams.

I remember my dreams very vividly. I think that is how active my brain is.
And I have succumbed myself to read a lot about dreams for the past many years.
I try to understand the science and even experimented in controlling my own dreams.

Old wives' tales says that when you fly high, it is a good dream.
And when you crash and fall or just fall, it is a sign that something unfavourable will happen.
There has been a lot of study of dream interpretation and it is very interesting to understand how they interpreted it so far.

Psychologically, you can control the dream.
For example, my angsty self will come through dreams whenever I dream of some anal robbers.
I can fire guns. I can sprint and really whack that idiot.

In times when I dream of ghosts, I can feel myself focusing to the One seeking for His help to protect me.
And I really mean concentrating.
Reading through Ayat Kursi till the ghost come really face to face with me, I will scream my zikirs (though it comes out muffled) till I am jolted from my sleep.

When I see myself looking down from a tall building, the brain will just say no and then the eyes will look up.

During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, I dream a lot about my marriage.
Some which made me cry in the middle of the night and the husband waking me up and cuddling up to give me the sense of assurance.
It was not about dreams where my husband cheated on me but dreams of women throwing themselves on my husband.
Every wife will say,"my husband is not that sort."

Even I will say that!
But my past years of growing up in my early 20-s, I mingled with a little too many men from school and previous work places, from the young to the old to know how they are like.
I have seen not all kinds but many sorts of chameleons.

That aside, I am a true advocate of a happy marriage and I am really happy for those women and more for men who posted up pictures of their happy times together in blogs or facebook and even twitter.

Maybe my mom did a good job by reading Cinderella, Snow White and even Rapunzel to me when I was younger.
The downside was that it creates insecurity for me, which was why I took my time to settle down.
While I love my financial independance, spending was my vice and I was not ready to share that independence with anyone else.

But I gave it all up for marriage and my wedding was my last luxurious spluge.
Today, I really enjoy my own marriage. Something I work damn hard for.
From saving the cash to going through the obstacles of the engagement and even to the nitty gritty of the wedding event.

I saw the beauty of marriage with my own eyes and felt it in my soul.
No marriage is easy but I am very thankful that I am riding through the waves with my husband.
He plays his role as a husband and I as a wife. Of course we give in sometimes and take from each other.
But at the end of the day, it is each other's hands we would like to hold, each other faces we will like to see, smelling each other, each other's voices we want to hear and definitely each other who we want to talk to at any time.

Our 5 senses.

In any marriage, despite of the rough times you have with your spouse, I believe in keeping it within the 4 walls and I really respect couples who do.
I do not believe in tainting the image of your spouse, just to get sympathy votes and only maybe because we may not get our way.
To me, its a betrayal of your spouse's dignity, especially when you end up sleeping in the same bed with him/her.
Ok, that is my principle which you can always beg to differ.

Today, my maid came into my room saying my husband was trying to call me.
I woke up and saw 10 missed calls. Yes, 10 missed calls!
I apologised profusely and told him I was having another of those nightmares.
He is very calm about it because I have prepped him that I will be having these kind of dreams during pregnancy.
It was definitely the hormones.

Though he did not need to, he sent me a BBM.
"I love you. Remember that."


That was all I need. My day took a different turn.
I love you too.



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