Microsoft Digigirlz

Friday, September 30, 2011

Since the day I graduated, I have always been in the IT industry.
From HP to IBM and now in Microsoft for my second year running.

I remember I did not know what I wanted to do after my 'A' Levels. Yes I was that headless chicken.
Worse, I remembered that my parents were away for Haj when I collected my results and hence I was scouting for my own school and academics pretty independently.

3 years later, I graduated in Information Systems and Management in SIM and I wondered the fate I was putting myself in.
I remembered when my choice for taking up Info Sys was not looked upon in society.
You know there were people who recognised engineers and doctors and teachers. No one understood about Information Systems.
The thing they understood was IT and back in 2001, a lot of them had the perception that Singapore already had an influx on Indian ITs.
But me being me, I just did not care.
I am not those people's kids and despite not knowing my route yet, I knew I was not going to allow myself to stray.

They saw techies as nerds which I had been since my primary school days anyway.
But they fail to understand that I am no Tech Girl. I am just one who appreciates technology and my career mindset and direction changes along the years.

That is what I enjoy about being in the IT industry.
Everything is so fast-paced and I love change being the constant in my life.
There is always something exciting to look forward to.

Unlike the husband, I am always looking into gadgets.
Not just computer gadgets. Camera gadgets. Phone gadgets. Apps.
Things which uses the intelligence of technology to create what the world is today.

Sure I work for Microsoft and carry a Blackberry and walk around with an iPad.
While this is seemingly wrong, I enjoy identifying the technology in the world today.
Microsoft has their pros and cons, so do Blackberyy and Apple. I still walk into the Microsoft Office grasping their technology and go "Whoah!" and I do the same for other brands too.

In the recent project, I work with schools hoping to aspire girls to see the IT industry in a different light.
Today, only 20% of the girls in Singapore will consider IT as a career. Then my question will be "Why?"

Every industry in Singapore today uses technology. Why shy away?
A lot of us do not realise that it is even in our everyday lives.

I was so excited when my Director got me onboard this project. 3 months of planning and everything fell into place on the day itself!
And the survey shows that these girls left Microsoft with a more positive perspective of being in the IT industry.


Snippets of the event:

Getting all set!

Photobucket Photobucket

The event started as early at 8am. By 7.30am, we were running through the program again


The invitation was only open to 60 girls and it was a first RSVP, first reserved.
The turnout was actually better than we expected except that a school turn down the day before the event and I had to rush, coordinating the list again.


We had key people to introduce the technologies that they work on.
We even have a panel of speakers who made them understand what the IT industry is like.


And 75% of them do not have any IT background!
That i thought interested the students and even teachers :)





And these girls love the Kinect.
My sister and mom loves the Kinect too.
I bought a 250GB for the husband's birthday and the little sister was enjoying it more.


We even have ambassadors for Kinect.
All they do is to master the games and showcased to our audience.
Cool job i would say :)



We had a cupcake break for the girls apart from their lunch break



Cupcake was good an awesome!
Despite me being asthmatic to colouring, I really could not resist!!

They even had the logo on it!!


I was happy the event turned out well!


The team who made it happen!


And we were the key program people! (yay!)


I was presented with a vase of flowers as at token of appreciation.
Unexpected and hugely touched!


The others were what the girls had in a goody bag.
Sponsors from Laurier and Maybelline and the best part is the customised 'Digigirlz' mouse


I love this arc mouse. Now I have 3.
In white and green and so happy to add this into the collection.

Since we kicked off pretty well, there are plans to continue this annually!
So teachers and educators, hold on for the news to reach your schools!


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