The upcoming birthday boy.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The internet connection at home suck big time.
I cannot load up pictures on blogger from the office network.
So there - valid reasons why there isn't an entry for a very long time!

Blogging from the Blackberry, like now will not allow me to format my text & photo alignments.
I can't tag my blog entries as well.

But anyhow, better an entry than no entry at all.

So, the husband-to-be (he gets the husband title in less than a month) will celebrate his birthday soon and there we are having a quiet (ok, not so quiet) time together.

Just the two of us.
Advanced birthday dinner at Carousel.
Bought him his birthday gifts earlier today (yes we did multi-running around and I'm glad the fiance is keeping up to it :) )
We did nothing but laugh and cry (literally)

It was really heart-warming and I enjoyed it so much.
My schedule was so pack with meetings and calls and the fiance ended up waiting for me for lunch.

Felt so guilty for the hours he waited. So I quietly made reservations at Carousel.
Knowing him, he insisted that we should not splurge but I told him that our next date together will be after the wedding.
Everyone needs his time or my time.

Moments like this are rare.
Again, I really enjoyed myself today.

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