Monday, February 23, 2009

February is a month filled with weddings, probably because it is the month of Love.

So definitely for the whole month of February, I will be encountering Monday Blues due to the exhaustion of the Sunday weddings.

In any case, I am squeezing as much time in the morning to head to the golf range.
It's been 2 months almost weekly heading to the golf range, trying to perfect my shot.

I am giving myself another 2 more months before I set foot on a golf course and get myself burnt in the sun.
I think I will end up covering my face with a towel and sunglasses.
I am not a sunglass fan and what sucks is that there is no nice Muslimah golf outfits.


So here's to the 2 months of training. If you think it looks good, thumbs-up to the coach ie my daddy dearest.

And here is my baby sister. I wish I have such an elongated body like her. Probably playing golf will be more elegant for me.
But she has a habit.. must pose first.

Whatever it is, mom was impressed la ok that her girls are doing this. When she saw our pictures, she was like waaa-ing all the way.


Call it an old man's game. But I call it a game of style.

Since Sunday agenda was filled with weddings, me and parents had to split.
The bapak melayaning the women.

Like the head dress??
It's from Jim Thompson!! Gosh! I have Jim Thompson head dresses!!
Great silk material. Wonderful colour combination.
Great Buy!

You know how lucky I am to have a sister who will melayan me attend my friends' wedding?

First stop, my primary school friend's wedding.
You would be sooooo surprised the number of primary school mates I saw that day.
It almost freaked me out - literally.
They were almost everywhere I turned!
While they were calling out for me, I was cursing and swearing to myself, trying to recall their names.

Some carried babies. Most walked alongside husbands. I walked next to the most beautiful lady in my life (after my mom - a politically correct answer)

From a wedding to the far east, I went to the another in far north.
In rare times like this, I hate not driving since the cab fare rocketed to $20.
But you know what?!?!
It was all so worth it that I did not bother eating.

All I could do was to sit and stare at the three gems.
A friend whom I casually know on the net and became a business contact with blooming friendship.
Gosh, even with ladies, I hold complicated relationships.

Fraternal triplets!!!

I was gushing about them all the way. I carried one after the other and never felt like letting them down.

Being the middle child myself, the middle baby (Jannah's) aura attracted me the most and I was so opened about my biasness.

Honestly, I was enjoying myself so much and can't thank Saudari Lee enough for putting up with my excitement and letting me carry them like nobody's business la..

They are a couple whom I can be most comfortable with. Her husband insisted Lil' Sis carried the youngest one who is also the smallest.

Though I know Lil' Sis look terrified, deep down she was enjoying herself also la.

A mother I would be someday, I am sure. But probably not till I have landed myself well on a corporate ladder and feel satisfied enough to leave.

Come to think of it ah, I don't think I will be able to make myself stop working. In any case, Her Closet will be my baby which me and KakPa are making sure it progresses well.

I cannot live without having a constant source of income. At least I don't think I can. I am so used to having my own money and letting myself spend like mad whenever I feel like it.

Hey, did you realise I have been a good girl and have been laying low on spending for a while.

I realised one thing.
Since I have enough bags and clothes for the time being and feel like screaming to daddy to get me a bigger room, I'd rather spend the money on buying memories.

It is all worth it especially when those are things that can last!
One thing for sure, I will be saving up money or making as much money as I can to buy myself a Nikon DSLR.
I already have a wonderful mate who bothers to go around Singapore and take pictures with me.

Fantastic isn't it?

My days are now going to be extra busy from now on.
I'm planning a wedding.
A wedding where the groom is currently overseas and I have to settle loads of things for him.

The groom is my brother.
Gearing him up for the upcoming August wedding, I can't be doing everything especially when my face & beauty is at stake!
Can you imagine, lack of sleep makes my face dull and pimply!

The family really thinks I am superwoman and Mommy #2.


When it is my wedding, trust me, I may be just competent enough to take it into my own hands.
And like I said, no simple wedding please.
I clearly put my expectations across the table and not want to work otherwise.


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