Thursday, March 13, 2008

Malaysians decided and it was very heaty.
As a Singaporean, I marvelled myself by sitting in front of the television on the night of the election till 2.30am watching through the live telecasts and sitting through the elections analysis.

Suddenly, this was better than Grey's Anatomy or even CSI.
I am not interested in the America Presidential Elections only because at the end of the day, they will continue being superpowers and condemn acts of which they link to terrorism and subsequently Muslim.

So whether the next American President is a white or a black, it makes no difference.

And neither am I interested to know if PAP easily will take with them a two-third majority cos I know they will.

Pak Lah was probably prepared for a continuing victory for BN but it was so obvious in the official statement he made in the wee hours of the election that he wasn't.
Statement was so short that it was over even before we knew it started.
Pak Lah raised his and Najib's hands, obviously putting Najib on the spot to smile widely to the crowd.

He may have closed the gap from a 57% win to a 65% majority but still he made history in Malaysia.

I am not going to elaborate further for many versions of the elections analysis have been splashed across the web.

The only reason why people say politics is dirty is because it is so shitty for goodness sake!

I do face them even in my office.
And it is so sakit hati nak mampos I swear!
If I remember speaking of my recent promotion, it only led to many becoming so mata merah macam nak tercabut biji mata diorang.
The change in phase of course brought a lot of happiness to me and my family. Only that I stopped rejoicing after 2 weeks.

It would be an understatement if I were to say that they were eyeing me like hawks because perangai so ala-jentayu
Yes they are like vultures waiting to see you dead.

Boss told me to start being efficient by voicing out thing which I thought was not agreeable and re-look with the team for another consensus agreement.
I took his advise and within 4 weeks an evaluation was done. I was asked to follow directions back. Only that I was told really nicely because I had done nothing against procedural processes.
Not that I am a rule-of-thumb follower. But I make sure that my ass is covered.

I seriously didn't know whether to laugh or to be mad. Something which was put forward to me thinking that it would be my new challenge ended up backfiring a lot of people.

I remember having a colleague of mine, who would scream and shout at me whenever he opens his mouth. Cos probably that time I was really a small fry. Screaming back at him wouldn't help. Ignoring him would.
Today, my dear old colleague would not come to me and discuss things. A messenger will be sent to my desk. Poor messenger.

I can really go on and drag about this because it is never ending.
People ask if I should start making my move now that it has been 2 years.
My answer is no.
And I would not elaborate why.

While keeping up with the pace at work, me and Ef had other things on our mind.
We managed to secure our proposal across the necessary parties with the right group of help.
Thank you to our supportive parents who hantar kita dua ekor pergi balik and leaving us in peace when we needed the time to focus.

We both are still in the midst of final confirmations.
Big thanks to Ef for the commitment for weeks and weeks of putting this together on early weekend mornings when we both have not been having enough sleep.

Our common place of meet-up

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Darling Ef

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I didn't know Ef managed to capture this.
This is my true shot. Someone who is short of sleep!

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I have to admit that we did have a little time to play around with the camera and ourselves.

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There are a lot more our pics but will spare your the extras for now.

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