Not only that, I managed to spend loads of time with my family.
Housework is still pending but that could wait to Sunday I suppose.
I dragged dad to M1 shop to get a replacement phone.
We spent more than 2 hours but I came out with a smiling face.
Thanks to daddy who was patiently with me trying to figure out which phone to purchase.
We were contemplating over a Palm Treo 750 and Blackberry.
I saw phones which I didn't know existed.
Like Asus.
I was only interested in a QWERTY phone.
I swear the spare nokia phone was killing the hell out of me.
Since the Blackberry was the only phone compatible with Lotus Notes, without having to purchase a third party software, that was when me and dad decided that I should get a Blackberry.
I wanted to get something similar to what Lovie had purchased for me. Blackberry 8800 which is also a smartphone and black in colour but the Blackberry curve is more comprehensive and cost me $150 lesser.
So here is my new pride
Blackberry Curve 8300
Luck was on my side today for I really had good bargains and the customer reps were really helpful.
I couldn't appreciate it more for it was something I needed.
Yes I was desperate to get another phone suitable to myself.
Despite so, nothing could ever take the place of my first smartphone, the Blackberry Pearl.
In fact never because that carries too many sentimental values.
But I am happy that I found a phone only because now I am more comfortable.
I will still send my baby down to Maxis for the repair and get the LCD screen fixed. And it will be soon for the matter.
I guess once a Blackberry user, always a Blackberry user. So if you are planning to start being one, then be ready to get addicted to it.
Thanks to Lovie that now I am.
I was grumbling at work when using my Nokia phone to sms. Boss said,"I will never use a Blueberry(Blackberry) because I will never let technology control me."
I turn to him and replied,"The technology's there so may as well make use the best of it"
I am happy now.
Despite me finding out from Borders that Paulo's latest book, Brida, is sold out!!!
I am holding on strongly to Lovie's theory of balance.
Well, it is not that bad having to wait for another month for the stock to come in.
At least for now, I can view my calendars, calls and sms in one screen.
I feel like I'm back in pace.
Only God knows how thankful I am for that.
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