Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Lil' one grew up to be the most adowable creature alive.
She is trully a package
Witty, humourous, tall, gorgeous, charismatic, slenger at the most right moments that she gets away with a WHOLE LOT OF THINGS, irritating and the list goes on and on.

With her very demure face, which obviously kalahkan her kakak, I will always remember her for being the person always kenakan when we were younger.

Being the youngest would mean that she would have her ways most times and mom was sure to believe her when she puts on that pitiful face. Even until today!

Still, she is the person who gives in the most to me. For understanding me and my kepala otak tak tentu arah & my perangai all the time.

I spent my adolescent years wondering why God gave me a sister who would bully me tak habis habis
Me bullying her is fine cos according the family hierachy, I was entitled to do so. Tee hee.. like taking her spending money in primary school.

But today, we just could not get enough of each other despite us sleeping together, eating dinner together everyday, showering together.
And we would sleep holding hands.

If a soulmate is not necessary of the opposite gender, she would definitely be The One, hands down. She is independant in ways which I am not. So that is why we make a good match.

We never fail to compliment each other.
We never fail to share good bargains.
We never fail to understand when one is having PMS!
The last one is SUPER important ok. Cos it will only take a woman to understand another woman's kepala angin

Yes, we still do have our differences and squabbles but never took long to pretend that nothing happened and all is fine. And being with siblings who are 4 and 8 years apart from herself, she matures pretty fast and very nicely.

I adore her the way she is today.
Bottom line, I adore her more than anyone else in the whole wide world.

She is the most in everything.
Most kind-hearted
Most patient
Most irritating
Most bratty
All most lah!

So this year, my baby sister reached 21.
xoxo was so kental la ok to tell my sister that we had a surprise for her.
*fuming yet speechless*
But sadly, all plans had to be cancelled as Nyai is still in hospital and we needed to be around to attend to her needs.

The reason why we came up with a surprise was because she told the family 6 weeks before her birthday, "Surprise me, surprise me"

Melampau kan!

We did try to give her as many suprises as we could with the constraints we had.
Maklum.. dah 21

She would squeal at our little surprises.
Everything was spontaneous.
(Can you imagine ourselves thinking constantly how to surprise the bithday girl)

Here was dad's

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Mom was the first to wish her her birthday wish this year and NEXT year!!
*shakes head*
Don't ask me how it was done.

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Plus she got a pair of Ferragamo from mom this year.

Here was mine
A very last minute thing I did and managed to come up with
What's a birthday without a cake.

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By the time we left the hospital, close to 9pm, we only managed to grab Pizza at Pizza Hut.
Ok don't ask me how many times I ate at Pizza Hut this month alone.
To think I don't fancy them.


So here was us at Pizza Hut.
Errr... table seems clean huh?
Maklom... lapar!

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Alhamdulillah she was a happy girl when the day ended and was more touched when she found out that dad postponed his trip just to spend her birthday with the family

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Do excuse the quality of the photos. Check 'em out at her blog when she gets them up.

And here is my baby sister growing up without me evn realising it!
Her passport photos which I keep them dearly in my wallet.

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Yes, she is spoilt and a brat to my eyes and everyone else in the family.
And she will always be.

I love you so much my baby sister.
Happy 21st Birthday!

There might just be more to come!
(This is a general statement. I'm disclosing no more you brat!)
*zips mouth*

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